female working on laptop in her lap while sitting on a couch

Technology Support

Need Help with Technology? Request technical support via umHelpdesk, or search AskTom, a collection of questions and answers to technical problems. You can also contact the ITS Service Desk at 901.678.8888 or the UM3D Staff at um3d@memphis.edu.

ITS Service Desk Hours (excluding some holidays):
Monday — Friday, 8:00 am - 8: 00 pm
Saturday — 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday — 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

What Technology is Available?

Canvas. Canvas is our current learning management system. This technology is commonly used to store information, documents, and communication for your registered course(s). Look here to find your course syllabus, to email the instructor, submit an assignment and much more.

Media Services. Podcast Central, MediaSite, and Ensemble are all media services used for posting digital media content for instructional purposes. Your instructor may direct you to one of these to access MP3, MP4, flash content, videos, licensed movies, etc. Information on how to access and/or use these services may be found in your course syllabus. The Service Desk and AskTom can also help with questions.

Surveys. Do you need to create a survey as an assignment for one of your courses? We use Qualtrics to create, distribute, and analyze surveys. Information on how to access and use this software can be found on the find solution page.

Web Conferencing. There are multiple platforms available for web conferencing. If you're a member of a blended, hybrid, or fully online course, you may be directed to use one of these services for virtual meetings or collaborations. More information on these services can be found on the umMedia Services page.

Blogging. Blogging anyone? The UofM provides a blog development solution through EduBlogs. There's a finesse to effective blogging. Check out the helpful tips on getting started and maintaining your blog.

Academic Integrity. Technology can help your instructor with discernment and concerns of academic integrity, through the use of products like Turnitin or Respondus LockDown Browser


umApps is a service that provides access to a variety of software products. We are always updating our software titles and versions. However, you can use this service for some of the popular titles like Microsoft, SAS and SPSS. Login to umWare to see the recent list of software available.


umWiki can be used for collaboration, document sharing, meeting notes, link sharing, and chart and diagram creation. This resource is available to active faculty, staff, and students. Visit the umWiki page for information on using this service.


The UofM provides a blog development solution through EduBlogs. There's a finesse to effective blogging. Check out the helpful tips on getting started and maintaining your blog.

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