male student shakes hand of dean while receiving diploma at Commencement

Start planning for a better tomorrow.


Academic advising is a critical element of your success. During your time as a UofM Global student, you will work closely with an academic advisor to assist you in meeting goals towards your academic performance and personal development. Your academic advisor will help you:

  • Set and achieve academic and career goals
  • Connect to academic and career resources
  • Help you understand degree requirements, academic policies, practices, programs and support services
  • Assist in keeping you on track for graduation

Before registering for courses, you must meet with your academic advisor. If needed, your advisor's name can be found in myMemphis under the Student tab in the Academic Advising and Planning channel. (Note: If you have recently been admitted, there is a wait period for an assignment of an advisor. Contact us at with questions regarding the assignment of your advisor.)

Degree Planning

UMDegree is designed to assist students with degree planning and provides up-to-date information regarding your current academic goals, including Degree Requirements, General Education Requirements, Major Requirements (with concentration if applicable) and Minor Requirements. This valuable resource is managed by your advisor and reflects all changes to your academic record. It is also used in determining whether or not you have successfully completed all graduation requirements. Most importantly, it tells you what you still have left to take to complete your requirements and graduate.

Each semester, you should review this worksheet with your academic advisor. You should also plan for future semesters and all the way to graduation using the planner tool.

Visit the UMDegree Student Guide to learn more about how to track your academic progress >

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