two students utilizing the technology resources at Crews Center of Entrepreneurship

Learning Support

Learning support services and resources available to you include a Smartstart learning readiness assessment, success strategies for online students, opportunities to get connected with your class and instructor, and 24/7 online tutoring. Each of these resources provide you an opportunity to remain a successful student and reach your academic goals in a fully online environment. See more information below to learn more about learning support and resources available to you as a UofM Global student.

Complimentary College Prep Course

UofM Global is pleased to offer College Prep, a complimentary course open to anyone interested in learning more about academic preparedness in a university setting. If you're interested in completing your degree online but aren't sure how the online format works, this is a fun, no-risk introduction for you. You'll learn about proper study habits, time management, how to access university resources, writing skills and more.

College Prep is 100% free and can be completed online at your own pace, on your own time.

Learn More >

SmartStart Readiness Assessment

SmartStart is a three tiered initiative and readiness assessment designed to address the needs of adult learners returning to school. It is our aspiration to inform students who have been pre-admitted, currently enrolled to the University of Memphis about their academic preparedness to return to college and provide them with resources and assistance to address their possible deficiencies prior to enrollment into an online course or program.

Complete the Readiness Assessment >

Success Strategies for Online Students

Online learning is a great opportunity that provides a great deal of flexibility and convenience in earning your degree. Learn more about strategies that can help you to be successful as a fully online student.

Explore the Strategies >

Find an Online Tutor

The University of Memphis offers online tutoring options to students who are enrolled in fully online degree programs.  Options include Live 24/7 online tutoring through Smarthinking and question/paper submissions through Tutoring@ESP.

Find a Tutor >

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