University of Memphis Graduate School
Celebrating Faculty Excellence: Dr. Bentuo Zheng Receives 2024 GSA Mentor Award

Dr. Bentuo ZhengIn the spirit of Teacher Appreciation Week, it's an opportune moment to celebrate the invaluable contributions of educators who go above and beyond to support and guide their students. Among the esteemed recipients of the 2024 GSA Mentor Award is Dr. Bentuo Zheng, whose dedication to mentoring graduate students at the University of Memphis in the Department of Mathematical Sciences has earned him this prestigious accolade.

We asked Dr. Zheng about the significance of mentorship and its profound impact on mentors and mentees. He said, "On one hand, being a mentor means responsibility and dedication," he shared. "On the other hand, being a mentor brings close ties with students and a sense of achievement."

Dr. Zheng emphasized the pivotal role mentors play in the success of their students. "There is always a dedicated mentor standing behind every successful student," he noted. "Mentors provideDr. Bentuo Zheng guidance, encouragement for students, promote their strengths, and improve their weaknesses."

Dr. Zheng highlighted the importance of individualized approaches when asked about his strategies for supporting and guiding his mentees. "Each student has their traits," he explained. "One of the most important strategies is to figure out the right path which fits best for an individual student."

He also emphasized the cultivation of self-motivation among students as a key strategy for fostering their academic and personal growth.

Dr. Zheng's motivation to dedicate his time and effort to mentoring graduate students stems from his experiences as a mentee. "I always remember the invaluable support and guidance my advisor gave me as a graduate student," he recalled. "I have deep respect and appreciation for him. He is the model I would like to follow."

Dr. Bentuo ZhengDr. Bentuo ZhengThe most rewarding aspect of mentoring for Dr. Zheng is witnessing his students overcome challenges and achieve success. "The most enjoyable moment of mentoring for me is when a student solves a problem after a lot of hard work following my guidance," he shared.

Receiving the GSA Mentor Award holds special significance for Dr. Zheng. "The GSA Mentor Award recognizes my efforts and dedication as a mentor," he expressed. "It also brings me the recognition of my students. The winning of this award provides additional power to continue dedicated mentoring."

Dr. Bentuo Zheng's commitment to mentoring exemplifies the spirit of Teacher Appreciation Week and serves as an inspiration to educators and students alike. His unwavering dedication to guiding the next generation of scholars is a testament to the transformative power of mentorship.

Article by the University of Memphis Graduate School in May 2024