Welcome, Future Student! Let's advance your career. 

In a city that has changed the world in more ways than one, we're driven to do the same. And starting here, so can you. The University of Memphis has been educating students from all over the world for over 100 years. UofM researchers and faculty are leaders in over 120 graduate degree programs, which means a wealth of academic choices for you. In the heart of the nation's 20th-largest city, learning isn't limited to classrooms or labs. Memphis is a hub of international commerce, culture, and creativity. Whatever your passion, here you'll discover endless paths toward pursuing it.

Whether you'd like to attend graduate school full-time or if you need a more flexible program, you've come to the right place. Explore our Graduate School or visit online degree opportunities at UofM Global All Graduate Online Degree Programs. Graduate students are admitted to the University of Memphis through a cooperative effort of the Office of Admissions, the Graduate School, and the departments, colleges, and schools of the University. In many degree programs, the number of applications received from individuals qualified for graduate study regularly exceeds the number of applicants who can be accommodated. In such cases, only the most highly qualified are offered admission. The number of spaces available in various departments is limited according to the availability of faculty, special resources, and funds for students requiring financial assistance. 

Prospective students can apply using our online application system

A non-refundable application and processing fee of thirty-five dollars U.S. (U.S. $35.00) is required of every domestic applicant, $60.00 for international applicants.

The Office of Graduate Admissions is dedicated to helping you begin your journey. For additional assistance, please contact us HERE

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