students in Law class - "Driven by DOING."

Info for Current Students

At the University of Memphis, we take pride in putting our students first. You will find important resources here to help you be successful and make the most of your graduate school experience.

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Graduate School Calendar View important dates and deadlines for the Grad School academic calendar, graduation, dissertations, etc.
Final Exam Schedules Final exam schedules and other official calendars are hosted on the Registrar's site.
Degree Program Directory Find key contacts for each of the graduate degree programs.
Advising Graduate advising is managed within each department. If you're unsure who your advisor is, contact the program coordinator listed on the Degree Program Directory. Departments assign advisors upon admission based on areas of interest. After students have matriculated and enrolled in coursework under various faculty members, students may select a different advisor. To inquire about your academic advisor, please contact the office of the graduate coordinator or department chair for your program.
Register for Classes The Registrar's Office provides information about registering for classes. Review dates and deadlines, select courses and view instructions.
Procedure for Late Drops & Withdraws Review the policies and procedures for withdrawing from a course.
Modify your Program

If you are a currently enrolled student and need to make one of the following changes:

  • Adding a graduate certificate within your current discipline to your current program. Note: some certficate programs require a separate application. Please contact your department coordinator for information.  
  • Changing your status from on campus to online only, or from online only to on campus
  • Changing your concentration within a program.
  • Adding the masters degree to a your current PhD program so that you can pursue the masters while also pursuing your PhD.  
  • Dropping a graduate certificate while maintaining enrollment in your primary degree program.  
  • Dropping a concentration or masters degree while maintaining enrollment in your primary degree program.  

Please contact your department advisor/graduate coordinator for assistance.  The program directory can be found here: Degree Program Directory


Thesis/Dissertation Preparation Guide This guide details requirements for preparing and submitting master's theses and doctoral dissertations to the Graduate School for review and for submission to the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) archival system and ProQuest. This link includes all forms required for the review process.


Research Resources for Students The Division of Research and Innovation provides resources to assist with each step of the research process.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) If you wan to perform research with human subjects, you must first consult IRB and receive approval.

Online Learning Support

Keep Learning: Online Learning Support Get an intro to eCourseware, learn more about Zoom and Microsoft Teams and access other resources to support online learning, including hardware.
Online Tutoring This service is FREE to current UofM students and allows you to work in real-time with a tutor or submit a question online 24 / 7 (subject to tutor availability). 
UofM Global Student Support Online students have access to a range of student support services for online learning, registration, advising and more.
UofM Global: Online Degree Programs Learn more about the University's fully-online degree program, UofM Global.

Tuition + Fees

Fee Information University & Student  Business Services (USBS) is home to all things tuition and fees. See deadlines, get an explanation of fees and pay your tuition.
Residency Classification Information  Provides information on the University's residency policy, how residency is classified, and appeals information
Cost of Attendance Estimator Estimate your tuition and other associated fees including housing and meals.
Tuition Cap For graduate resident students, all credit hours above 10 will be offered at no additional tuition charge, but student will be charged fees if applicable. 
Border County Tuition Waiver UofM accommodates students from border counties in Arkansas and Mississippi with a waiver of the non-resident portion of regular tuition.

Financial Aid + Funding Sources

Financial Aid Learn more about funding and financial aid for graduate students.
Scholarships Graduate students can apply for competitive scholarships in Tiger Scholarship Manager. Contact the Scholarship Office for more information.
Graduate Assistantships Graduate teaching and research assistantships are available in most of the academic areas, requiring 3-20 hours of service per week. Learn more about responsibilities and opportunities.
Graduate Student Health Insurance Learn more about Graduate Student Health Insurance.
Fellowships and Awards While some awards require a nomination by a college/department, there are opportunities available for which you can apply.
Federal Assistance Opportunities Explore external funding resources including FAFSA, federal tax benefits for students, opportunities for women and minorities and more.
Veterans Educational Benefits & Certification Veterans, learn more about utilizing your educational benefits.

Get Involved

Graduate Student Association All enrolled graduate students are automatically members of the GSA. All graduate students are encouraged to participate in GSA discussions and activities, and may serve on GSA committees and working groups.
Graduate Student Rights & Responsibilities These principles illustrate what graduate students should expect from their programs and what programs should expect from their graduate students to help achieve excellence.
Graduate Student Spotlight We are excited to showcase the accomplishments, successes, journey and stories of our graduate students!


Graduation Information View key dates and deadlines and step-by-step instructions for applying to graduate.

Key Campus Resources

Graduate Student Health Insurance

Good health is a necessary component of academic success. To help you maintain yours, University of Memphis has partnered with Wellfleet Insurance Company to offer a robust and student-focused insurance policy to meet the needs of all individuals on campus. The Wellfleet plan meets the Department of Homeland Security minimum coverage requirements for international students and is Affordable Care Act (ACA) compliant.  For more information, please visit https://www.studentinsurance.com/Client/2268  

Adult Student Services Center Access resources for adult students on campus, including the Adult Student Association.
Career Services Seek help with your resume, interview training, find job opportunities and more.
Center for International Educational Services (CIES) The Center for International Education Services is the institutional home for the Study Abroad Office, Intensive English for Internationals Office (IEI), and International Student Services (ISS).
Computer Labs Locate computer labs on campus.
iPrint: On-Campus Printing iPrint is an on-campus wireless printing system. Students are encouraged to take advantage of printing services available at all Technology Access Fee (TAF) funded printers on campus.
Counseling Center The Counseling Center offers free counseling, wellness and psychiatric services.
Degree or Enrollment Verification Request proof that you are enrolled at the University of Memphis or that you have earned a degree from the University of Memphis.
Disability Resources for Students (DRS) DRS arranges, coordinates and provides academic accommodations and support services for qualified students with disabilities.
Educational Support Programs (ESP) Learn more about on-campus learning centers, tutoring (in-person and online) and other educational support services.
Registrar Student Resources Learn more about grades, requesting transcripts, changing personal data and more.
SPEAK Test for International Teaching Assistants Determine if you need to complete an English Language Proficiency Test and view directions for applying to take the test.
umTech | Information Technology Services (ITS) Your go-to for anything online tech related (or contact umtech@memphis.edu or 901.678.8888).

External Resources

National Graduate Student Crisis Line The National Grad Crisis Line helps graduate students reach free, confidential telephone counseling, crisis intervention, suicide prevention, and information and referral services provided by specially-trained call-takers.

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