phone Phones, Voicemail, and CATV

Submit a request or report an issue regarding phones, voicemail, and audio conferencing.


Account Code: Change 

Request to move existing telecommunication charges from one index number to another index number.


Cable TV: Cancel 

Request to cancel/remove a cable tv connection in a specific location and terminate billing.


Cable TV: Install Connection  

Request for installation of a new cable television wall jack/connection in a specific location. This request includes the installation of a full channel lineup and HD capability.


Cable TV: Repair Connection

Request to repair cable television connection that is not working properly, missing channels, pixelating picture, or broken jack. 


Camera: Install Security Camera

Request for installation or repair of webcam surveillance camera to monitor activities in a specific area.


Phone: Change Display

Request to change display on extension number which includes the specific name of the individual/department for that extension number.


Phone: Delete Extension

Request to delete an extension number, pick up of leased telephone set, and termination of billing.


Phone: Install New Extension

Request to install new extension in a specific location. The location may or may not have cabling along with all the features and the type of telephone set.


Phone: Move Extension 

Request to move extension number from one location to another location while maintaining same extension number and programming.


Phone: Order Accessories 

Request telephone accessories such as line cords, handset cords, handsets, and headsets.


Phone: Repair Equipment 

Request repair of telecommunications equipment if the telephone set is not functioning properly. Malfunctions can include no dial tone, display issues, or malfunctioning button lights.


Phone: Upgrade or Downgrade Equipment 

Request to upgrade from an analog to digital telephone set or downgrade from a digital to analog telephone set.


Tiger Line/International Long Distance Code Request 

Request a long distance authorization code when an individual/department needs access to make international long distance calls for their department.


Tiger Line/Long Distance Code Request 

Request a long distance authorization code when an individual/department needs access to make long distance calls for their department.


Voicemail: Add 

Voicemail is a system that enables the recording and storage of voice messages. These messages can be retrieved by an individual or department assigned that extension number. Request to add voicemail services to an extension.


Voicemail: Delete 

Voicemail is a system that enables the recording and storage of voice messages. These messages can be retrieved by an individual or department assigned that extension number. Request to delete/cancel voicemail services to an extension.


Voicemail: Zero Attendant

The zero attendant is a designated extension that will accept a call when zero is selected while in the voicemail system.  Request to update the zero attendant on a voicemail box.

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