Prepare Proposals 

While all successful proposals clearly articulate an original idea that is in line with the interests of a sponsor, proposal similarities across domains and sponsors often stop there. The documents required and the format and content of those documents vary by sponsor and sometimes even by the types of proposal mechanisms offered by a single sponsor organization.

So where can you find what you need to pull together a complete, compliant, and competitive proposal? Use these links to easily access common Institutional Information required by sponsors; Checklists and Instructions & Forms for preparing standard proposal documents; Templates & Samples  you can use to prepare your proposals; Training Resources for proposal writing; and important sponsor news and updates related to proposal requirements.

Proposal Submission

We try and make the proposal submission process as painless as possible. If you need help finding a funding opportunity, check out the find funding. If this is your first time submitting a proposal for funding, please start by scheduling an appointment with the Division of Research and Innovation. Email research@memphis.edu to set up a time to step you through the process.

Submission Platform

In order to help us manage applications more effectively and transparently, the University uses a system-to-system communication alternative to the grants.gov platform called Cayuse. This helps us ensure that your proposals are submitted on time and in order. Visit submitting through Cayuse.

Cayuse staff is available to help train new users on Cayuse in the Administration Building room #315 during normal office hours Monday through Friday 11:30am-12pm.

Additional Resources

Please see the resources below for useful information for submission:

Institutional Information

All proposals require certain information about the University of Memphis. Visit Institutional information to view the most commonly needed information.

Common Agency and Sponsor Platforms

Training and Resources on Proposal Submission

The Division of Research and Innovation is constantly generating new training resources. Check out the offerings below and be sure to check back as we create more resources and opportunities. Be sure to look at the "find funding" resources for information on how to search for funding opportunities.

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