PostDoc Acceleration and Career Escalation (PACE)

The PostDoc Professional Development Program is designed to help newly arrived postdocs prepare for a professional career defined by research-intensive exploration of emerging technologies, basic science, and the frontiers of innovation. The program is designed to help postdocs secure external research funding to continue their appointments past the pilot funding period. Whether you are working in a research lab, participating in an entrepreneurship program, or conducting other cutting edge science in collaboration with the University of Memphis, this program is here to help you succeed. 

PACE Strategy

Research Development

In order to expand your research and the work of your collaborators, it is essential that you secure external funding to continue your work past the 1-2 year pilot funding period. Working with your faculty mentor, you will be afforded resources to help you secure this funding and advance your research career. The resources provided include:

  • Grant writing workshops
  • Training on budget development, biosketch writing, etc. 
  • External editing and review services
  • Training on research infrastructure
  • Mentorship

Research Lifecycle Approach

The workshops and programs of the PACE program follow the lifecycle of funding. Along with opportuntities for mentorship and team building, you will learn the lifecycle of proposal development and management - from finding funding to ensuring that you are executing the grant effectively. This high-touch approach ensures that you have the experience you need to succeed at the UofM and at any future institutions you may work at. Graduates of the PACE program are ensured the most comprehensive exposure to research professional development that a comprehensive research university program can provide. 

To graduate from the PACE program you must complete at least 90% of workshops in the Research Lifecycle Approach training program. Participation in all the workshops is open to anyone at the University of Memphis. To see all the workshops, click on the link below:

Link to PACE Workshop Series

Cohort Building

Turning a postdoc opportunity into a successful career requires more than just external funding. For many, the postdoc is the first step after completing your PhD towards a career in research. This is an exciting time for you to explore new opportunities as you begin to define a research trajectory which will guide you throughout your profession in academia and beyond. To ensure success, PACE provides a complete set of resources to help ensure success. 

24/7 access to collaboration space
Access to University benefits and resources
Team building events and excursions

Cohort building opportunities will be announced during the workshops. 

Who can participate?

This program is designed for PhD qualified research staff and postdocs who have worked at the University of Memphis for less than one year. Junior faculty are welcome to attend individual sessions as they are able. 

If you are interested in getting involved with the program, please email cbehles@memphis.edu

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