Matthias Kaelberer

Professor and Chair

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Matthias Kaelberer

About Matthias Kaelberer

Professor Matthias Kaelberer joined the Department of Political Science at the University of Memphis in 2004. He specializes in international relations, comparative politics and political economy. His research has focused on various aspects of European politics and international monetary relations. In 2008, Dr. Kaelberer served as Fulbright Scholar at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs. He also held a four-year term as the editor of the European Studies Journal and was the recipient of the 2011 College of Arts and Science Award for Teaching Excellence. Dr. Kaelberer has served as Chair of the Political Science Department since January 2009.

Research Interests

International Political Economy, Comparative Politics, European Politics, European Monetary Cooperation


Ph.D., Political Science, Princeton University, 1997; M.A., Political Science, Princeton University, 1991; B.A., Political Science and Philosophy, University of Tübingen, Germany, 1987

Sample Publications

"Jérôme Boateng, Candy Storms and Outrage over a Woman Soccer Announcer: German Discourses on Race and Gender during the 2016 UEFA European Championship." Soccer and Society (forthcoming).

"Gender Trouble on the German Soccer Field: Can the Growth of Women's Soccer Challenge Hegemonic Masculinity?" Journal of Gender Studies (forthcoming).

"Sovereign Debt or Balance of Payments Crisis? Competing Explanations for the Greek Crisis." In: Greece in the 21st Century: The Politics and Economics of a Crisis, ed. Vassilis K. Fouskas and Constantine Dimoulas, London and New York: Routledge 2018: 40-63.

"From Bern to Rio: Soccer and National Identity Discourses in Germany" International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society. 30:3 (September 2017): 275-294.

"Wal-Mart Goes to Germany: Culture, Institutions and the Limits of Globalization" German Politics and Society. 35:1 (Spring 2017): 1-18.

Money and Power in Europe: The Political Economy of European Monetary Cooperation. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2001.

"Sovereign Debt or Balance of Payments Crisis? Exploring the Structural Logic of Adjustment in the Eurozone." Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. 16:4 (2014): 419-436.

"The Euro and the European Demos: Money and Community beyond the Nation State." Global Society. 24:4 (2010): 487-505.

"Trust in the Euro: Exploring the Governance of a Supra-National Currency." European Societies. 9:4 (2007): 623-642.

"Deutsche Mark Nationalism and Europeanized Identity: Exploring Identity Aspects of Germany's Adoption of the Euro." German Politics. 14:3 (2005): 283-296.

"The Euro and European Identity: Symbols, Power and the Politics of European Monetary Union." Review of International Studies. 30:2 (2004): 161-178.

"Ideas, Interests, and Institutions: The Domestic Politics of European Monetary Cooperation." Comparative Politics. 35:1 (2002): 105-123.

"Hegemony, Dominance, or Leadership? Explaining Germany's Role in European Monetary Cooperation." European Journal of International Relations. 3:1 (1997): 35-60.

"The Emergence of Green Parties in Western Europe." Comparative Politics. 25:2 (1993): 229-243.


Chair of Department of Political Science University of Memphis, 2009-present; Associate Professor University of Memphis, 2005-2010; Associate Professor Iowa State University, 2003-2005; Assistant Professor Iowa State University, 2000-2003; Assistant Professor University of Northern Iowa, 1995-2000; Fulbright Scholar, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik/German Institute for International and Security Affairs (Berlin, Germany), Summer 2008.