Frequently Asked Questions

How many students are in the MPA Program?

As of Fall 2022, there were 45 students actively enrolled in the program. 

How many faculty teach in the program?

The MPA Program has six core faculty who devote the majority of their time to the MPA Program. Some of our courses are also taught by distinguished practitioners in the community.

How many hours is the MPA Program? How long does it take?

The MPA degree requires 39 credit hours (13 classes). The program is designed to be flexible, but most students are able to finish within 2-3 years. We utilize two and three year course plans to keep students on track.

What are the recent  graduation rates for MPA students?

The total number of students initially enrolled in the 2017-2018 cohort was 17.  This cohort's cumulative graduation rates are as follows:

Cohort  Graduated within 2 Years Graduated within 3 Years Graduated in 4 or more years Total Graduation Rate
2017-2018 59% 76% 76% 76%


Do I have to go full time?

No. Our program is flexible. We have students going full-time (3 courses per semester) and others that take only 2 or 3 classes per year. Your faculty adviser will work with you to tailor a schedule suited to your unique needs.

I work during the day, so how am I supposed to take classes?

Our program is built for the working student. All of our classes are offered at night (usually one night per week for each class) and/or online.

I don't have any work experience yet, is the MPA degree right for me?

Yes! We have a mix of pre-career students and seasoned professionals in the program. Through our internship program, pre-career students gain exposure to the workplace in some well-known organizations. The program's connections to local nonprofits and government agencies offer pre-career students a pathway into their careers.

Can I do the entire MPA at the University of Memphis online?

No, but many of our classes are regularly offered online.

Where are your graduates working?

The MPA Program has a long track record of placing students successfully. To learn more about what our graduates are doing and other career development resources, go to our Career Development page.

How much does it cost?

The most up to date information on tuition and fees is available here using the tuition estimator tool.

Is financial aid available?

Yes. Please refer to the University of Memphis Office of Financial Aid for information.

Are graduate assistantships available?

Yes. Each year, the department has a limited number of graduate assistantships that are awarded on a competitive basis. Departmental assistantships are only open to students who have been accepted into the MPA Program. Assistantships offer a stipend, full tuition and a health plan. If you are interested in applying for an assistantship, please contact  Andro Zantua at 678-3360, or by email.

The School of Urban Affairs and Public Policy also offers a competitive Housing and Community Development Fellowship, which has been awarded to several MPA students.