Problems and Recent Methods in Operator Theory

Plenary Speakers:

Aim & Scope:

This workshop gathered a group of leading researchers in Operator Theory, early career mathematicians and graduate students. There were six plenary lectures and a poster session with 12 participants. The lectures, posters and informal periods for discussion fostered ties for further collaboration and possibly promoted an active mathematical network.

Contact Info: Please send an Email

Organizer: Fernanda Botelho

This workshop is in Cooperation with the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and supports their Non-Discrimination Statement. This workshop is also in collaboration with the Center for Research and Innovation in STEM Teaching and Learning (CRISTAL). This workshop is funded by The National Science Foundation Award DMS-1546799. This workshop is also sponsored by Pearson, The University of Memphis - College of Arts and Sciences, and the Office of the Provost.

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