Dr. Yafang Li is an Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems at the Fogelman College of Business & Economics at the University of Memphis. Dr. Li received her PhD from Carson College of Business, Washington State University. Her research focuses on understanding individuals' usage of information technology (IT) and digital artifacts in various contexts from the perspectives of IT affordance, IT identity, trust, security, and privacy. My primary interest is in the area of consumer health technologies, with a focus on fitness technology. Her research has been published in major Information Systems journals including Computers in Human Behavior and Industrial Management & Data Systems, and conferences including Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences and the Americas Conference on Information Systems.
- PhD MIS, Washington State University, 2022
- MS Business Administration, Washington State University, 2022
- MS Management Information System, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 2017
- BS Management Information System, Beijing Foreign Studies University, China, 2014
Areas of Teaching
Business Analytics, Database Management, Management Information Systems, Information Technology Management, Social Media, E-Commerce
Dr. Yafang Li discusses recent research on Unlocking Metaverse Firm's Value Creation Process Using Lean Principles:
Areas of Research
- Consumer Health IT, Fitness Technology, IT use, IT affordance, IT identity, Trust, Privacy, and Security
Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Carter, M., Reibenspiess, V., Li, Y., Grover, V. (2022). “IT Use and Identity: A Review
and Research Agenda,” Foundations and Trends® in Information Systems, 6 (1), 1–93.
- Chi, H., Jia, S., Li, Y., Gursoy, D., (2021). “Developing A Formative Scale to Measure
Consumers' Trust Toward Artificially Intelligent (AI) Social Robots in Service Delivery.”
Computers in Human Behavior, 118, 106700.
- Fan, J., Shao, M., Li, Y., Huang, X., (2018). “Understanding Users’ Attitude Toward Mobile Payment Use: A Comparative Study Between China and the USA,” Industrial Management & Data Systems, 118 (3), 524-540.
Conference Presentations and Proceedings
- Li, Y., Carter, M., Crossler, R. E. (2023) “Fitness Technology and Exercise Engagement:
How Technology Affordances Facilitate Fitness Goal Attainment,” in the Proceedings
of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii,
January 2-6.
- Li, Y., Carter, M., Crossler, R. E. (2020) “A Review on Consumer Health Information
Technology Research in IS,” in the Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences (HICSS), Maui, Hawaii, January 7-10.
- Li, Y., Huang, X. (2020) “Understanding Employees’ ISP Compliance from the Perspective
of Emotion-Focused Coping Approaches,” in the Proceedings of the 26th Americas Conference
on Information Systems (AMCIS), Salt Lake City, USA, August 10-14.
- Li, Y., Crossler, R. E., Compeau, D. (2019) “Regulatory Focus in the Context of Wearable
Continuance,” in the Proceedings of the 25th America’s Conference on Information Systems
(AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, August 15-17.
- Fan, J., Huang, X., Li, Y. (2019) “The Effect of Features on Information Quality and
Knowledge Acquisition in Online Health Communities,” in the Proceedings of the 25th
America’s Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Cancun, Mexico, August 15-17.
- He, H., Li, Y., Huang, X., Fan, J. (2016) “A Comparative Study of China and US Users’
Acceptance of Online Payment,” in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference
on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM), Kunming, China, June 24-26.
- Shao, M., Peng, L., Li, Y. (2015) “A Study on Enterprise Technology Adoption of SaaS,”
in the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Service Systems and Service
Management (ICSSSM), Guangzhou, China, June 22-24.
- Shao, M., Fan, J., Li, Y. (2014) “An Empirical Study on Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Payment Based on the Perceived Risk and Trust,” in the Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC), Shanghai, China, October 10-12.