Directory of MIS Faculty

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Ali Adeli Headshot
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.3729
Office: FCBE 321
Vladimir Ambartsoumian Headshot
Visiting Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 313
Ankur Arora Headshot
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 340
Jasbir Dhaliwal Headshot
Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation
Phone: 901.283.9988
Office: FIT 303
Polina Durneva Headshot
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 301
Mark Gillenson headshot
Phone: 901.678.5607
Office: FCBE 329
Mark Gillenson headshot
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 316
Brian Janz Headshot
Phone: 901.678.5526
Office: FIT 201E
Euntae Lee
Associate Professor
Phone: 901.678-2697
Office: FCBE 330
Yafang Li headshot
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 301
Huigang Liang
Professor | FedEx Chair of Excellence in MIS
Phone: 901.678.4261
Office: FCBE 346
Pavankumar Mulgund headshot
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 301
Avanti Pandit headshot
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Phone: 901.678.5005
Office: FCBE 311
Sandra Richardson headshot
Associate Dean, Faculty & Administration | Chair | Associate Professor
Phone: 901.678.4563
Office: FCBE 426
Robert Rose headshot
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 328
Sandy Schaeffer headshot
Assistant Professor of Teaching | FCBE Assurance of Learning Coordinator
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 234
Aaron Smith Headshot
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Phone: 901.678.5957
Office: FCBE 312A
Scott Vann headshot
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Phone: 901.678.2935
Office: FCBE 301
Srikar Velichety headshot Srikar Velichety
Associate Professor
Phone: 901.678.4613
Office: FCBE 309
Yuan Zhang headshot Yuan Zhang
Assistant Professor
Phone: 901.468.4563
Office: FCBE 327

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