Dr. Brian Janz

Dr. Janz is a Professor of Business Information and Technology and George Johnson Fellow in the Fogelman College of Business and Economics at The University of Memphis. Brian is a past First Tennessee Professor, Palmer Professor for Teaching, Palmer Professor for Service, a George Johnson Fellow, and was the University’s first Innovator in Residence.
Brian’s research interests focus on innovation, high performance, knowledge worker teams, and how information technologies affect organizational strategy, design, and business processes. His most recent research is focusing on the impact of design thinking on organizational performance, and his research has been published in book chapters as well as many academic and practitioner journals as including MIS Quarterly, MIS Quarterly Executive, Decision Science, Communications of the AIS, Journal of MIS, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Database Management, Journal of Information Technology Management, and Information and Management.
Brian teaches the management of technology, leadership and emotional intelligence, and strategic change management practices in all four of The University of Memphis’s MBA programs, and also teaches the capstone IT course for students in the Masters of MIS program. He is a recipient of the University of Memphis’s Distinguished Teaching Award a as well as the University of Memphis MIS Advisory Council’s Outstanding Teaching Award. He is currently focusing on how to improve the quality of pedagogy in online education.
Dr. Janz has over 40 years of experience in the information systems field. In addition to over 25 years at The University of Memphis, Brian has worked for The University of Minnesota, IBM, Honeywell, and General Motors.
Brian did his bachelor’s degree work in electrical engineering at both The University of Wisconsin and The University of Minnesota, and earned an MBA and a PhD from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota.
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of Minnesota
- Master of Business Administration, University of Minnesota
- Bachelor of Science, University of Minnesota
Teaching interests
- Creativity, Innovation, and Design; Systems Analysis and Design; Information Systems in the Global Enterprise
Research Interests
- Human-centered design; Knowledge management; Technology use and adoption in healthcare; Issues related to systems development: teamwork, cooperative and collaborative structures; Technology in the supply chain
Selected Research
- SanPietro, F., Sunderman, M., Radetskiy, E., Janz, B. (2018). Using Information Theory
to Evaluate Measures of Vertical Inequity in Property Taxation. Revise and re-submit
at JPTAA: Journal of Property Tax Assessment and Administration.
- Janz, B. (2018). Design thinking makes great ideas viable. Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Exchange. https://eiexchange.com/content/311-design-thinking-makes-great-ideas-viable.
- Brian D. Janz and M. Jeff Brittain (2017)," Incorporating Human-Centered Design at
Merck: How One IT Organization Became More Entrepreneurial and Enhanced Its Role in
the Process ", IBIMA Business Review, Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 395969, DOI: 10.5171/2017.
- Janz, B. and Brittain, M. (2016). "Enhancing IT Intrapreneurism in Big Pharma: Incorporating
Human-Centered Design at Merck Consumer Care." presented at the 27th Annual IBIMA
Conference, May, 2016.
- Janz, B., Meek, T., Nichols, E., and Oglesby, J. (2016). "Re-Visioning IT for Value: The Value Stream Initiative at Buckman." MIS Quarterly-Executive, Vol. 15 Issue 3.
- Prasarnphanich, P., Janz, B., Patel, J. (2016). "Towards a Better Understanding of
System Analysts' Tacit Knowledge: A Mixed Method Approach," Information Technology
& People, Vol. 29 Iss: 1, pp.69 - 98.
- Janz, B. 2014. "After the Big Idea: Entrepreneurial Success Through High Performance
Start-Up Teams," Entrepreneur and Innovation Exchange. URL: http://www.eiexchange.com/content/22-After-the-Big-Idea-Entrepreneurial-Success-Through-High-Performance-Start-Up-Teams
- Janz, B, Allen, D., Amini, M., Nichols, E. and Racer, M. 2013. "The Human Supply Chain:
Mapping and Modeling the Flow of Human Capital for Navy 'Seabees'," Journal of Supply
Chain and Customer Relationship Management, (Article ID 175961), URL: http://www.ibimapublishing.com/journals/JSCCRM/2013/175961/a175961.html.
- Hennington, A.H., Janz, B.D., and Poston, R. 2011. "I'm Just Burned Out: Understanding
System Compatibility With Personal Values And Role-Based Stress In A Mandatory Usage
Context," Computers in Human Behavior (27:3), pp. 1238-1248. Abstract
- Nickels, D. and Janz, B.D. 2010. "Organizational Culture: Another Piece of the IT-Business
Alignment Puzzle," Journal of Information Technology Management (21:3), pp. 1-14.
- Janz, B. D. and Prasarnphanich, P. 2009. "Freedom to Cooperate: Gaining Clarity into
Knowledge Integration in Information Systems Development Teams," IEEE Transactions
on Engineering Management (56:4), pp. 621-635. Abstract
- Hennington, A. H., Janz, B. D., Amis, J., and Nichols, E. L. 2009. "Understanding
the Multidimensionality of Information Systems Use: A Study of Nurses' Use of a Mandated
Electronic Medical Record System," Communications of the AIS (25:1). Abstract
- Amini, M., Otondo, R., Janz, B. D., and Pitts, M. 2007. "Simulation Modeling and Analysis:
A Collateral Application and Exposition of RFID Technology," Journal of Production
and Operations Management (16:5), pp. 586-598. Abstract
- Hennington, A. H. and Janz, B. D. 2007. Physician Adoption of Electronic Medical Records:
Applying The UTAUT Model In a Healthcare Context," Communications of the AIS (19:5),
pp. 60-80. Abstract
- Chen, L., Frolick, M. and Janz, B. D. 2005. "Supply and Demand of IS Faculty: A Longitudinal
Study," Communications of the AIS (15:37), pp. 674-695. Abstract
- Janz, B. D., Pitts, M. G., and Otondo. R. F. 2005. "Back to the Future with RFID: Lessons Learned – Some Old, Some New," Communications of the AIS (15:7), pp. 132-148. Abstract