Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal
Executive Vice President for Research & Innovation

As the chief research & innovation officer of the University, Dr. Jasbir Dhaliwal is responsible for the planning and implementation of the university's strategic research plan. He provides leadership to all efforts relating to the university's goal of being an internationally recognized research institution with the highest level of research activity with a special focus on leading through innovation in relation to its urban metropolitan context. This includes serving as the executive director of the FedEx Institute of Technology which, as the front door to the university's research capabilities and infrastructure, promotes interdisciplinary research clusters, corporate engagement and technology commercialization. He also leads strategic innovation priorities for the President's Office to modernize the university's academic and research culture. He provides strategic leadership to the University of Memphis Research Foundation in his role as its executive director and is the founding president of its wholly-owned innovation subsidiary, UMRF Ventures, Inc. Prior to these roles, he served the university as its Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and the Dean of the Graduate School overseeing all aspects of the university's portfolio of 122 graduate programs that enroll about 4500 graduate students in studies at the doctoral, masters and graduate certificate levels.
His research has appeared in scholarly journals such as Information Systems Research, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Organizational Computing & Electronic Commerce, Knowledge Acquisition, Information & Management as well as in the proceedings of numerous international research conferences. He has also co-authored a book on E-Business Innovation that is published by Prentice-Hall/Pearson Education and has served as Program Chair of the Pacific Asian Conference on Information Systems.
His diverse international academic management experience includes: being the founding director of the first Canadian university-based research center/incubator for electronic commerce at the Technical University of British Columbia (now Simon Fraser University); serving as Deputy Director of the Centre for Management of Technology at the National University of Singapore; directing a graduate program in information management at the Norwegian School of Management in Oslo; and serving as Chair of the Department of Information Systems at Northern Kentucky University where he launched an offering of the university's Master of Science in Information Systems program in Moscow, Russia. He has also served as Associate Dean for Research and Academic Programs of the Fogelman College of Business & Economics and prior to that as the Chair of the Department of Management Information Systems at the University of Memphis.
He is also active internationally as an executive trainer and technology advisor completing projects for organizations such as FedEx, the Department of Defense, Johnson & Johnson, Dehart Group, Medtronics, Unilever, Cynergy, Trans-link Logistics, Anderson Consulting, Ericsson Telecommunications, Sapura Advanced Systems, IBM, Port of Singapore Corporation, Norsk Hydro, Kontena Nasional, Alcatel Bell Shanghai, McDonnell-Dettwiler Canada, Guiness Anchor, Den Norsk Bank, Asia Pacific Institute for Information Technology, Canadian Federation of Innovation and the ASEAN-European Union Management Center.
His other interests focus primarily on modern immigrant narratives, post-national identities, nurturing global mindsets, and investing in new technology ventures.
- Doctor of Philosophy, University of British Colombia
- Master of Business Administration, University of British Colombia
- Bachelor of Science, University of Malaya
Research Interests
- Software Testing; Quality of Software Services; Strategic IT Governance; Technology Entrepreneurship, Graduate Education
Selected Research
- Zhang, X., Onita, C., and Dhaliwal, J. 2014. "The Impact of Software Testing Governance
Choices,' Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, Vol. 26(1), Jan-March,
pp. 66-85.
- Zhang, X., Stafford, T., Dhaliwal, J., Gillenson, M. and Moeller, G. 2014. "Sources
of Conflict between Developers and Testers in Software Development," Information &
Management, Vol. 51 (1), pp. 13-26.
- Zhang X., Dhaliwal J., Gillenson M., and Stafford T. 2013. "The Impact of Conflict
Judgments between Developers and Testers in Software Development," Journal of Database
Management, Vol. 24 (4), pp. 26-50.
- Meservy, T., Zhang, C., Lee, E. and Dhaliwal, J. 2012. "The Business Rules Approach
and Its Impact on Software Testing", IEEE Software, July/August, pp. 60-68.
- Dhaliwal J., Onita, C., Poston, R. and Zhang, X. 2012. "Alignment within the Software
Development Unit: Assessing Structural and Relational Dimensions between Developers
and Testers," Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Vol. 20 (4), December, 323-342.
- Onita, C., and Dhaliwal, J. 2011. "Alignment within the Corporate IT Unit: An Analysis
of Software Testing and Development," European Journal of Information Systems (20:1),
pp. 48-68. Abstract
- Zhang, C., and Dhaliwal, J. 2009. "An Investigation of Resource-Based and Institutional
Theoretic Factors in Technology Adoption for Operations and Supply Chain Management,"
International Journal of Production Economics (120:1), pp. 252-269. Abstract
- Teo, T., Ranganathan, C., and Dhaliwal, J. 2006. "Key Dimensions of Inhibitors for
the Deployment of Web-Based Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce," IEEE Transactions
on Engineering Management (53:3), pp. 395-411. Abstract
- Ranganathan, C., Dhaliwal, J. and Teo, T. 2004. "Assimilation and Diffusion of Web
Technologies in Supply Chain Management: An Examination of Key Drivers and Performance
Impacts" International Journal of Electronic Commerce, (9:1), Fall 2004, pp. 127-161.
- Dhaliwal, J. and Tung, L. L. 2000. "Using Group Support Systems for Developing a Knowledge-Based
Explanation Facility," International Journal of Information Management," (20), pp.131-149.
- Dhaliwal, J and Benbasat, I. 1996. "The Use and Effects of Knowledge-based System Explanations: Theoretical Foundations and A Framework For Empirical Evaluation", Information Systems Research, (7:3), September 1996, pp. 342-362. Abstract