Ali Adeli, PhD
Assistant Professor

Ali Adeli received his Ph.D. in Information and Decision Sciences from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. His research investigates the impact of emerging digital technologies and related policies on human behavior, organizations, and society. The interdisciplinary nature of his research draws upon methods from machine learning, econometrics (with a focus on causal inference), agent-based simulation, and behavioral experiments. His research has been presented at major national and international conferences such as INFORMS annual meeting, Academy of Management annual meeting, Conference on Information Systems & Technology (CIST), Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS), Conference on Health IT and Analytics (CHITA), and Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). Ali is a reviewer for several top conferences and journals in his field. He also collaborates on projects with industry partners (e.g., FedEx) and health organizations (e.g., LifeDoc Health) in the Memphis area.
Ali teaches courses on business analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, various programming languages (Python, R, etc.), and databases at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Courses taught at the University of Memphis:
- MIS 7720: Business Artificial Intelligence
- BA 7503: Business Analytics for Managers
- MIS 3210: Critical Thinking using Analytics
- Machine Learning, Causal Inference, Econometrics, Databases and data modeling, Agent-based
Modeling and simulation, Artificial Intelligence
Select Publications
- The Effects of Online Social Identity Signals on Retailer Demand, with Yash Babar
and Gordon Burtch, 2023, Management Science, DOI
- Spy it before you try it: Intrinsic Cues and Open Data App Adoption, with Deepti Agawal, Chen
Zhang and Bill Kettinger, 2022, Communications of the Association for Information Systems,
- Toward Understanding the Dynamics of Bidder Behavior in Continuous Combinatorial Auctions: Agent-Based Simulation Approach, with G. Adomavicius and A. Gupta, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2017, Computer Society Press, DOI