amber 1

The Expungement and Restoration of Rights Clinic introduces students to the theoretical and practical aspects of representing clients with legal needs arising from the collateral consequences of prior arrests and convictions. Under the supervision of licensed faculty, Clinic students provide direct representation to individuals seeking: (1) expungement of criminal records: (2) court cost waivers in closed criminal matters; (3) restoration of citizenship / certificates of voter restoration; and (4) certificates of employability. Clinic students concurrently complete a curriculum designed to provide training in the handling of expungement and restoration of rights cases, to expose students to the complex legal, policy, social, and economic issues faced by persons previously charged with or convicted of criminal offenses, and to enhance the vital lawyering skills students will use in their casework and in practice beyond. The Clinic emphasizes team practice and collaboration, and, where possible, develops and seizes on community partnerships to provide broadly focused, multi-systemic advocacy for Clinic clients.

clinic with students

In the News:


amber floyd

Amber Floyd

Adjunct Professor of Law

Director, Expungement and Restoration of Rights Clinic