The resume builder that changes everything:  Co-op & Internships

Do you want to work part-time while completing your degree? We have a position for you!

Do you want to alternate between full-time work and full-time academics? We have a position for you!

Do you need help to pay for your college education? We have industry partners with tuition reimbursement.

Many Herff students land permanent jobs before they even graduate. That's because Herff helps you build a strong résumé while you are in college. We have a national reputation for providing our students with relevant engineering work experience through a paid Cooperative Education/Internship Program. U.S. News & World Report ranks the UofM in the Top 10 universities with successful internship programs.

Pre Registration

Please email Prof Kohn (dekohn@memphis.edu) and Mrs Shelia Moses (srmoses@memphis.edu) with what company you are interning with and a brief job description to obtain a permit to register for TECH 4940.

Course Information

All files will be submitted electronically via THIS LINK (select TECH 4940, your name, the assignment being submitted and the file to be submitted, check the box confirming it is your work and then hit upload).

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