Frequently Asked Questions


How do I become an English major?
How do I obtain an English minor?
How do I get advised as an English major?
Do I actually have to meet with my advisor every semester?
How can I earn Honors in English?
How can I become a member of Sigma Tau Delta?
May I substitute another American or British literature course for any of the Core Requirements?
If one of the Core Electives is in my concentration, may I count it toward both requirements?
How many English classes can I take?
May I have more than one concentration in English?
Can I take TN eCampus (formerly Regents Online Degree Program (TN eCampus (formerly RODP))) courses?
What if I'm transferring to UofM with Upper Division English credits?
May I take 6000- and 7000-level courses before I graduate?
Do I have to make a C or better in all my English courses or just those in my concentration?
If I have a double major, do I have two sets of General Education requirements to meet?
What do I do if I want to be a high school English teacher?
What do I do when I'm ready to graduate?
Do I have to take any tests to graduate?


How do I become an English major?

Students who declare English as their major upon admission or who transfer from the Academic Advising Center need not worry about any official declaration. Other students should request an appointment with the English Advisor by emailing april.l.cleaves@memphis.edu 

How do I obtain an English minor?

Request an appointment with the English Advisor by emailing april.l.cleaves@memphis.edu. Students who complete 12 Upper Division hours in English (excluding ENGL 3500 and 3603) will obtain an English minor.

How do I get advised as an English major?

The Undergraduate Advising Office is located in Patterson 471 and is usually open during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Appointments are strongly suggested and are required during busy times. To schedule an appointment, click here. You will be able to view the English Advisor's availability. If you are unable to use the site, or if there are no meeting times that are convenient for you, please email april.l.cleaves@memphis.edu to request an appointment. In your email, include at least three days and times that you are available for an appointment. 

Do I actually have to meet with my advisor every semester?

Yes, you must have an appointment with your advisor to get clearance to register for courses in upcoming semesters. There are designated days and times reserved for student appointments prior to registration each semester, but you can go online to make an appointment at any time. Advising via email, telephone, or Zoom may also be available. Look for emails from your advisor prior to registration periods regarding how and when to schedule appointments for registration.

How can I earn Honors in English?

You must have an inclusive GPA of  3.25 or higher, as well as a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher in all coursework counting toward the major; you must complete 6 hours of upper-division Honors credit in English; you must complete the English Honors Seminar (ENGL 4001); and you must complete an Honors Thesis (ENGL 4996). See the English Honors Program pages for more information. Email any questions to englishhonors@memphis.edu

How can I become a member of Sigma Tau Delta?

As for Honors in English, to become a member of the Psi Omicron chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the International English Honor Society, you must have an inclusive GPA of 3.25 or betters, as well as a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or better in all English studies coursework. However, you do not need to be an English major. Undergraduates must have completed three semesters of coursework as well as two upper-division courses in English. Graduate students must be enrolled in a graduate program in English, have a GPA of 3.3 or better, and have completed 6 hours of graduate coursework. Undergraduates accepted to the English Honors Program have their membership fee paid by the English Department; other students wishing to join are responsible for paying the fee themselves. Membership is by invitation only. See the English Honors Program pages for more information; queries may be address to englishhonors@memphis.edu.

May I substitute another American or British literature course for any of the Core Requirements?

No, you must take the specified core courses.

If one of the Core Electives is in my concentration, may I count it toward both requirements?

No, each course can satisfy only one requirement.

How many English classes can I take?

You may take as many English classes as you wish. However, only 42 hours of ENGL courses will count toward the 120 hours required for graduation if you were admitted before Fall 2012. Students admitted in Fall 2012 or later do not have an hour limit in English.

May I have more than one concentration in English?

No, but you may choose your English Electives based on the English classes outside of your concentration that interest you. 

Can I take TN eCampus (formerly Regents Online Degree Program) courses?

Before you register for TN eCampus English courses, consult with your advisor to see if and how these classes count for the English Degree requirements. These courses are listed as R50 sections in the course schedule.

If I transfer to the University of Memphis with 33 Upper Division hours of English, may I get a degree in English without taking more English courses?

You must complete a minimum of 6 hours of U of M English courses, and 3 hours of University of Memphis courses are required for a minor. In addition, at least 30 of the last 60 hours required for the degree must be completed at the University of Memphis. A student transferring credits from a two-year college or institution must complete, as a requirement for the baccalaureate degree, a minimum of 60 hours in an accredited senior (four-year) institution.

May I take 6000- and 7000-level courses before I graduate?

Only if you are accepted into the Accelerated B.A./M.A. (ABM) Program in English. The ABM program allows outstanding undergraduates to begin coursework for the Master of Arts in English during their senior year. Students are encouraged to begin planning to enter the Accelerated B.A./M.A. program early in their undergraduate career, in consultation with the English advisor. Please consult the ABM page for more information.

Do I have to make a C or better in all my English courses or just those in my concentration?

You must make a C- or better in all ENGL courses counting toward the major (1010, 1020, 2201/2202, the 12-hour core, the 12-hour concentration, and the 9 hours of English Electives). You must also maintain a 2.0 Overall GPA, and in all coursework counting on the major. 

If I have a double major, do I have two sets of General Education requirements to meet?

No, but you should consult with advisors in both majors for information on specific requirements, especially if your majors are in two different colleges (for example the College of Arts and Sciences, and the College of Education). 

What do I do if I want to be a high school English teacher?

Consult the College of Education for licensure requirements and for information regarding the Teacher Education Program and/or the Master of Arts in Teaching. Also talk with your advisor about your future plans.

What do I do when I'm ready to graduate?

Once you have earned at least 80 hours, you can apply to graduate. You should apply at least a year before your intended graduation term. For example, if you are going to graduate in Fall 2020, you should complete the graduation application in Fall 2019. See here for detailed information: https://www.memphis.edu/commencement/apply/

Do I have to take any tests to graduate?

In the semester you plan to graduate, you will complete a Senior Portfolio, which will consist of four pieces: three works previously completed during your undergraduate English coursework PLUS a reflection letter in which you explain how your chosen artifacts demonstrate your competency in the BA Outcomes.

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