Undergraduate Advising
Our Goal is Your Academic Success
The English Department offers academic advising to declared English majors and minors, and any student considering English as a major or minor. We know you may have work, family and other commitments outside of the classroom, so helping you to choose classes is only one component of advising. We strive to understand your individual needs, interests and goals as the first step to creating your ideal academic program. From our first meeting until graduation, you will receive personal attention, knowledgeable guidance, and dedicated academic support. We look forward to advising you throughout your journey as a scholar in the Department of English.
Course Permits

Course Permits
Any student needing a permit for an English course should email a request to the English Department Scheduler at bwells6@memphis.edu. The request must include the student's U-Number as well as the Course Record Number (CRN) of the section for which the student would like to register. Please note the Department of English does not issue permits for closed sections.
Make an Appointment for Advising
All English majors should schedule an appointment with the English advisor every Fall and every Spring semester for assistance with course planning and to be cleared for registration. Students should also see their advisor for information on degree requirements and career options.
To schedule an appointment, click here. You will be able to view the English Advisor's availability. If you are unable to use the site, or if there are no meeting times that are convenient for you, please email april.l.cleaves@memphis.edu to request an appointment. In your email, include at least three days and times that you are available for an appointment.
Advising Schedule
Non-registration Periods
During non-registration periods, walk-ins are welcome, but appointments are always
recommended to ensure the advisor will be available to see you. You can also email
or call the advisor with questions. Please see the helpful links below which may also answer your questions.
Registration Periods (Peak Advising)
To be cleared to register for classes, students must consult with the advisor every
semester prior to registration. Approximately six weeks before each registration period,
the advisor will email all English majors reminding them to schedule an advising appointment.
Appointments are in-person, or via phone or Zoom. Walk-ins cannot be accommodated during peak advising time.
Peak advising for Summer and Fall courses takes place in March; registration begins in April. Peak advising for Spring courses takes place in October; registration begins in November.
Students are welcome to use the online appointment system to schedule an appointment whenever they would like to meet with an advisor.
Advising Information and Suggestions
Students are responsible for fulfilling all requirements for the English Bachelors degree program and for following the procedures and regulations as stated in the Undergraduate Catalog corresponding to the student's catalog year. The Undergraduate Catalog is valid for seven years.
Prepare for Your Advising Appointment Using UMdegree
Students should familiarize themselves with UMdegree. This degree audit tool tracks a student's progress by listing the requirements that are fulfilled and those that are still unsatisfied. Students may also find the Degree Requirement Sheet (see below) to be helpful in keeping track of courses required for graduation.
Before meeting with your advisor, review UMdegree to make a list of classes you want to take in the upcoming semester. Do not show up to your advising appointment empty handed. Rather, you should have an idea of the classes you would like to register for and how they will work with your schedule.
Keep in mind that some courses have prerequisites and must be taken in a particular sequence. Also be aware of course rotations (not all courses are offered every semester). The two-year template provides an easy guide to course rotation. Click here for the Fall 2024-Spring 2026 course template.
How to Access UMdegree
Log in to https://my.memphis.edu. Click the "Student Pages" tab, then select "My Degree" from the drop-down menu. On the next screen, you'll see the word/icon "UMdegree", click on that. When UMdegree opens, click on "Worksheets" on the left side to refresh the information. On your UMdegree Worksheet, confirm that information such as your major and concentration are correct. Also pay attention to the courses listed as "still needed". Note any inaccuracies you see so they may be discussed with the advisor.
Department of English Resources
- Two Year Course Rotation Template: 2024-2026
- English Undergraduate Catalog
- The Degree Sheet for English majors is not intended as a substitute for knowing the requirements listed in the Undergraduate Catalog. Students are responsible for keeping in touch with the English advisor and maintaining their own course progress records. However, this degree sheet will help students plan their program of study.
- English Undergraduate Grade Appeal Process (.pdf)
- Department of English FAQ