Ph. D. in Engineering with EECE Concentration

Graduate Calendar

PHD Procedures (in order, links to information and forms)

  1. During your first semester, find a major advisor, and fill out the Committee Composition Form. The committee should consist of at least 50% EECE graduate faculty. 
  2. Complete the PhD qualifier exam no later than the third semester of your PhD program. Refer to the “PhD qualifier and comprehensive exams” section above for more details.
  3. Complete your comprehensive exam after your coursework completion (typically in the third semester for students with a MS degree and in the sixth semester for students with a BS degree). After completing your exam, submit signed assessment forms (given above) to the EECE office. Refer to the “PhD qualifier and comprehensive exams” section above for more details about the comprehensive exam.
  4. When filling out the PHD Candidacy Form, follow the instructions for admission to candidacy.
  5.  Complete your proposed research, dissertation writing and oral defense of your dissertation. Submit signed graduation forms (https://www.memphis.edu/gradschool/current_students/gradu ation.php) and assessment forms (given above) to the EECE office by email: eece_workorders@memphis.edu.

Students should submit both printed and electronic versions of forms to EECE office.

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