Frequently Asked Questions

Who can come to the CWC?
If you are a member of the UofM campus community (student, staff, faculty), you can use the CWC.

Will my professor or instructor know that I visited the CWC?
You have the option of having an email that includes a summary of the topics we covered during your appointment sent to your professor or instructor to confirm that you visited the CWC.

Is there a cap on many times can I visit the CWC?
There is no official limit or "cap" on how many times you can visit during a semester. We do, however, ask that you only request two in-person appointments per week. You may request additional appointments online through our virtual learning platform.

What if I just want someone to proofread my papers?
The CWC staff is happy to assist you at any stage of developing your writing and public speaking projects, even if all you want is for us to review a final draft. Keep in mind, though, that our sessions are interactive, which means we won't simply tell you what to "fix" in your drafts. Rather, what we will do is offer feedback and help you develop strategies for improving your own work.

Do I have to have a draft of something in order to visit the CWC?
Nope! We can help you from the very beginning of an assignment, whether it’s to better understand the assignment sheet, brainstorm topic ideas, draft an outline, or revise a draft if you’ve already begun your work.

What if I have other things to do during the time I made my appointment?
At the CWC, we give clients our complete focus and energy, and we anticipate reciprocal attentiveness. To maximize Center time and resources, we ask that clients be actively engaged with their consultants during consultations. This may look like having in-session discussions, note taking, outlining, oral practice of speeches, etc. So that both clients and consultants can remain focused and on-task, please refrain from using your cellphone or engaging in other distracting activities such as doing schoolwork for other classes or job-related tasks.

I'm afraid of public speaking. Can the CWC help?
Absolutely. We can help you develop strategies for delivering your speech, and we also have a presentation studio where you can practice and record your practice session on your smartphone.

Can I bring something I'm working on that's not a school assignment?
For sure! If you are writing a statement of purpose for a graduate school application, presenting at a conference, developing a resume, writing a cover letter, drafting a letter to the editor, or working on any other type of composition or presentation, our consultants will be happy to offer you feedback.

How can I become a CWC consultant?
If you are interested in becoming a CWC consultant, please send Dr. Meredith Boulden a copy of your current resume or CV, a letter of interest explaining why you would like to work for the CWC, and a 300-500 word teaching or tutoring philosophy that details your approach to working with students. Applications from all students from any major will be considered, though preference will be given to upper classmen and graduate students. Teaching and/or tutoring experience is a bonus, but not required.

My question isn't here!
Don't worry! Send us an email at cwc@memphis.edu.

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