Faculty Resources

CWC Syllabus Description

CWC Information for Course Syllabuses and CWC Website

The CWC serves all members of the University of Memphis community (undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, and staff) as they work to become better writers and speakers. CWC consultants are trained in writing- and speech-tutor methodologies and can provide one-on-one feedback on any writing or speech in any stage of development. While the CWC welcomes the opportunity to assist in writing and speaking, it does not function as an editing service.  The CWC is located on the first floor of the Ned R. McWherter Library. Appointments are strongly recommended, especially during midterms and finals. Visit memphis.mywconline.com to schedule an in-person appointment using your U of M login credentials. For virtual appointments, go to memphis.upswing.io, login with your U of M credentials, and search for “Center for Writing and Communication” to find available CWC consultants. If you have any problems with making an appointment or your MyWC account, please email CWC@memphis.edu or call 901-678-1694 for assistance. For technical assistance with online appointments, please contact the virtual learning coordinator, Mr. Jamion McNeil (jgmcneil@memphis.edu or 901-678-2704).   pdf_icon1


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