About the Center For Writing and Communication

When the Center for Writing and Communication (CWC) first opened in 2014, we started with little more than a desk, a couple of chairs, and the expectation that a dedicated writing and communication center would benefit the University of Memphis campus. In the years since then, the CWC has continued to grow by adding a dedicated workspace and presentation practice studio carved out of space generously provided out of the first floor Learning Commons in McWherter Library for in-person appointments.  

The CWC also now offers online appointments through the Virtual Learning Platform available to all UofM students, staff, and faculty.  Alongside our wonderful colleagues from University Libraries, we also regularly host drop-in Tigers Write and Tigers Speak sessions outside of the library for students searching for immediate assistance with writing, speaking, and academic research. We’re proud to assist with writing consultations and thematically relevant presentations for the Dissertation Writers Retreat, an event arranged by University Libraries and designed specifically for dissertating doctoral students.  

We travel to dozens of classrooms and campus events per semester to introduce the CWC to students, graduate teaching assistants, professors, and University administration. We’ve also participated in multiple other workshops, such as Building a Cover Letter with Career Services for pre-nursing majors, Communication Skills for the annual C.L.A.W.s Conference, and Academic Integrity & Plagiarism with the International Education Services office. During the Fall 2023 semester, we started our Day(s) of CARES, two weekdays when we moved our staff and services to the CARES office in order to provide drop-in support for CARES students.  

Lastly, the CWC is proud to be one of the recipients of the 2023 Campus Partner & First-Gen Advocate Award for the UofM Career Closet. As part of our commitment to our core values of service and collaboration, we look forward to lending our time and talent to bolster our fellow campus members and Memphians. 

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