Meritorious Faculty Award

The College of Arts and Sciences annually presents a Meritorious Faculty Award to recognize exceptional faculty within the College. The Dean of the College invites nominations by notification to the chairs and members of the faculty.

The nominations for this award can be made by any full-time, tenure-track faculty member in the College of Arts and Sciences. Nominees must be tenured full professors with a minimum of ten years of experience in the College. Nominees will be judged on their contributions to The University of Memphis through the three categories of teaching, scholarship, and service.

A maximum of three awards may be given annually.

Recipients of the Meritorious Faculty Award will be honored publicly with a plaque and will receive a monetary award in the form of a supplement to their base salary. A faculty member may receive this recognition only once. Nominations must be received in the Dean's office by April 15 every year.

Be sure and visit the College of Arts and Sciences Accolades Website for other award information.