
Art - Photography, B.F.A.

Photography is about capturing a moment in time and communicating a message or emotion through visual imagery. It requires a deep understanding of photography principles, as well as an ability to effectively communicate with subjects and viewers.


In the photography concentration, students focus on developing technical skills, artistic vision, and a comprehensive understanding of photography as a medium. Throughout their studies, they delve into various aspects of photography, honing their abilities to capture compelling images and convey meaningful narratives. 

Students begin by mastering the technical aspects of photography, learning how to operate cameras, control exposure, utilize lighting techniques, and process images using editing software. They gain proficiency in both digital and film photography, understanding the advantages and characteristics of each.

Artistic expression and visual storytelling form a core component of the program. Students explore composition, framing, perspective, and the use of color and light to convey emotions, narratives, and concepts within their photographs. They delve into the power of visual communication, understanding how to create impactful images that resonate with viewers.

Photographic genres and styles are explored, ranging from portraiture, documentary, landscape, still life, to experimental and conceptual approaches. Students analyze the work of renowned photographers, both historical and contemporary, and gain insight into different artistic movements and trends in photography.

Beyond technical and artistic aspects, students also learn about the theoretical and critical foundations of photography. They examine the cultural, social, and historical contexts of the medium, and explore how photography has influenced and been influenced by society and art movements.

Hands-on experience is a vital component of the program. Students engage in assignments, projects, and critiques where they receive constructive feedback from faculty and peers. They also have access to state-of-the-art facilities, including studios, darkrooms, and digital labs, which provide ample opportunities for experimentation and refinement of their craft.

Throughout the program, students have the chance to participate in exhibitions, collaborate on projects, and gain practical experience through internships or community engagement initiatives. They are encouraged to develop their own artistic voice, experiment with new techniques, and push the boundaries of traditional photography.

The program culminates in a capstone project and final exhibition that showcases students' artistic growth, technical proficiency, and conceptual development. This exhibition serves as a platform to launch their professional careers as practicing artists, pursue further studies, or explore opportunities within the field.

Curriculum and Concentration Requirements

Please review the official academic catalog for comprehensive information on requirements.


Concentrating in photography can lead to a variety of careers in the arts and creative industries. Possible career paths for students concentrating in photography:

  • Photographer: Photographers use their artistic skills and technical knowledge to capture images of people, objects, and landscapes for a variety of purposes, including advertising, journalism, and fine art. They may specialize in a particular type of photography, such as fashion, sports, or nature.
  • Photojournalist: Photojournalists capture images of newsworthy events and people for newspapers, magazines, and online publications. They use their technical skills and knowledge of visual storytelling to create engaging and informative photo essays and articles.
  • Commercial Photographer: Commercial photographers create images for advertising, marketing, and other commercial purposes. They work with clients to understand their needs and goals, and use their technical skills and knowledge of lighting, composition, and editing to create effective and engaging images.
  • Studio Photographer: Studio photographers work in a studio setting to create portraits, product images, and other types of images for clients. They use their technical skills and knowledge of lighting, composition, and editing to create high-quality images.
  • Fine Art Photographer: Fine art photographers create original works of art using photography as their medium. They use their artistic skills and knowledge of photography techniques to create unique and engaging works of art.
  • Photo Editor: Photo editors work for newspapers, magazines, and online publications to select and edit images for publication. They use their knowledge of photography and visual storytelling to select images that are engaging and informative and edit them to enhance their impact.

Depending on students’ interests and skills, their technical skills and knowledge of photography techniques can be applied in many different ways.


ACB Room 152, 798 SQ FT

Digital Lab

  • 1 Instructor’s Station with iMac
  • 1 Epsonv800 Flatbed Scanner
  • 1 Epson 11x14 Flatbed Scanner
  • 1 Canon Iph Pro1000 Printer
  • 1 Canon Ipf Pro2100 Printer
  • 2 Canon Ipf8400 44” Priners
  • 20 iMac Workstations

Meeman Journalism Room 118, 449 SQ FT

Dedicated Critique Classroom

  • 1 Instructor’s Station with iMac
  • 1 60” NEC Flatscreen Monitor

Meeman Journalism Room 120 – 590 SQ FT

  • 1 Instructor’s Station with iMac
  • 1 Canon Ipfs5100 printer
  • 1 Epson v800 Flatbed Scanner
  • 1 60”’ Sony Flat Screen Monitor
  • 20 iMac Workstations

Meeman Journalism Room 122A, 360 SQ FT

  • 1 26x30 Amergraph Mercury Vapor Plate Burner
  • 1 24x28 Amergraph Metal Halide Plate Burner
  • 1 Emulsion Coating Table
  • 1 8x2x1 Prrocessing Sink
  • 2 Film Dryer Cabinets

Meeman Journalism Room 200, 453 SQ FT

Black and White Lab

  • 1 Seal 18x20 Dry Mount Press
  • 1 Wet Print Viewing Board
  • 1 Dry Print Viewing Board
  • 1 6x1.5x1 Print Washing Sink
  • 1 8x2x1 Processing Sink
  • 2 Film Drying Cabinets
  • 4 Gravity Works Film Washers

Meeman Journalism Room 200A, 80 SQ FT

Individual Darkroom

  • 1 Omega D5-XL Enlarger with Omega Cold Light Head with grayLab Timers
  • 1 Bessler Dichroic 4x5 Enlarger
  • 1 6x3x1 Precessing Sink

Meeman Journalism Room 200B,590 SQ FT

Black and White Darkroom

  • 1 X-Rite Silver Reclaimer
  • 1 8x4x6 Processing Sink
  • 2 18’ Paper Cutters
  • 17 Omega D5-XL Condenser Enlarger with grayLab Timers

Meeman Journalism Room 200B1, 81 SQ FT

Individual Darkroom

  • 1 4x3x1½ Processing Sink
  • 2 Omega D5-XL Condenser Enlargers with grayLab Timers

Meeman Journalism Room 309A, 101 SQ FT

Faculty Darkroom

  • 1 Omega D5-XL Condenser Enlarger with grayLab Timer
  • 1 Beseler M45 Dichroic 4X5 Enlarger w grayLab Timer
  • 1 4x3x1½ Processing Sink

Meeman Journalism Room 309B, 87 SQ FT

Individual Darkroom

  • 1 6x2.5x6 Processing Sink
  • 2 Omega D5-XL Condenser Enlargers with grayLab Timers

Meeman Journalism Room 309C, 92 SQ FT

Chemical Storage

  • 2 6x6x2 Cabinets

Meeman Journalism Room 309D, 105 SQ FT

Faculy Darkroom

  • 1 Omega D5-XL 4x5 Dichroic Enlarger with grayLab Timer
  • 1 Beseler M45 4x5 Cold Light Enlarger with grayLab Timer
  • 1 6x2.5x6 Processing Sink

Meeman Journalism Room 319, 700 SQ FT

Lighting Studio

  • 2 Norman L24 Strobe Power Packs
  • 2 Fotodiox 18” LED Heads
  • 2 Fotodiox 7” LED Heads
  • 2 Fotodiox 5” LED Heads
  • 4 Lowel Totalights
  • 2 Ari Fresnel Lights
  • 4 Lowel Omni Lights
  • 4 Pocket Wizard Wireless Strobe Triggers
  • 4 Mathews Heavy Duty Light Stands with Boom Arms
  • 4 32” Westcott Umbrellas
  • 4 42” Westcott Umbrellas
  • 6 Mathews Grip Head Arms
  • 6 Mathews Turtle-Based Grip Stands
  • 8 107” Savage Backgrounds
  • 6 56” Savage Backgrounds

Meeman Journalism Room 319A, 80 SQ FT

Lighting Studio Equipment Storage

  • 1 Norman LH2400 Location Kit
  • 1 Wescott 12x24 Strip Box
  • 1 6” Norman Grid Spot
  • 1 32X40 Norman Soft Box
  • 2 Wescott 20x24 Reflectors
  • 2 Norman 12” Grid Spots
  • 2 Norman Barn Doors
  • 4 16x20 Mathews Flags
  • 4 24x30 Mathews Flags
  • 4 Norman Snoots
  • 4 Norman Mini-Snoots
  • 6 Norman 10” Reflectors
  • 6 Norman 5” Reflectors
  • 8 Norman LH2400 Strobe Heads
  • 20 Lighting Stands

Meeman Journalism Room 329, 250 SQ FT

  • Work Room/Critique Room

Meeman Journalism Room 329B4, 122 SQ FT

  • Lighting Studio Storage
  • Cabinets And Shelving For Parts Storage And Bulb Storage

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