Shaun Gallagher
Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Philosophy

About Professor Gallagher
Shaun Gallagher is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Professor of Excellence. His areas of research include phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, especially topics related to embodiment, self, agency and intersubjectivity, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of time. Dr. Gallagher has a secondary research appointment at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He has held Honorary Professorships at the University of Copenhagen, Durham University (UK) and the University of Tromsø, Norway. He has held visiting positions at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge University; the Center for Subjectivity Research, University of Copenhagen; the Centre de Recherche en Epistémelogie Appliquée (CREA), Paris; the Ecole Normale Supériure, Lyon; and at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He was also Senior Research Fellow at Keble College, University of Oxford, and most recently Visiting Research Professor of Psychology at the University of Rome – Sapienza.
Professor Gallagher was awarded the D.Phil (honoris causa) by the University of Copenhagen in 2021. He also received the Humboldt Foundation Anneliese Maier Research Award [Anneliese Maier-Forschungspreis] (2012-18). He is currently part of the research project Minds in Skilled Performance with funding from the Australian Research Council (2017-2020). He was principle investigator on several previous grants, including a European Commission Marie Curie Actions Grant: TESIS: Towards an Embodied Science of Intersubjectivity (2011-15), and a Templeton Foundation grant (2011-2013) which funded an empirical and phenomenological study of astronauts' experiences during space flight []. Gallagher is a founding editor and a co-editor-in-chief of the journal Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
Recent Publications
Gallagher, S. 2022. Phenomenology. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
Gallagher, S. 2022. Integration and causality in enactive approaches to psychiatry. Frontiers in Psychiatry 13:870122. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.870122
Gallagher S. 2022. The unaffordable and the sublime. Contemporary Continental Review.
Gallagher, S. (2021). Performance/Art: The Venetian Lectures. Milan: Mimesis International
Edizioni. Open Access:
S. Gallagher (April 2020). Action and Interaction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Newen, A., De Bruin, L. and Gallagher, S. (eds.) 2018. Oxford Handbook of 4E-Cognition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gallagher, S. 2017. Enactivist Interventions: Rethinking the Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gallagher, S., Mastrogiorgio, A. and Petracca, E. 2019. Economic reasoning in socially extended market institutions. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1856. (Open access link:
Gallagher, S. and Gallagher, J. 2019. Acting oneself as another: An actor's empathy for her character. Topoi DOI: 10.1007/s11245-018-9624-7 (Open access link:
Gallagher, S. 2019. Precis: Enactivist Interventions. Philosophical Studies 176 (3): 803-806. (Open access link:
Gallagher, S. 2018. Educating the right stuff: Lessons in enactivist learning. Educational Theory 68 (6): 625-641.
Gallagher, S. 2018. Rethinking nature: Phenomenology and a non-reductionist cognitive science. Target article with 15 commentaries and my response. Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (2): 125-137
Gallagher, S. and Daly, A. 2018. Dynamical relations in the self-pattern. Frontiers in Psychology 9: 664. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00664 (open access link:
Vincini, S. Yuna Jhang, S. Y., Buder, E. H. and Gallagher, S. 2017. Neonatal imitation: Theory, experimental design and significance for the field of social cognition. Frontiers in Psychology – Cognitive Science. 8:1323. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01323
Gallagher, S. 2017. Embodied intersubjective understanding and communication in congenital deafblindness. Journal of Deafblind Studies on Communication 3: 46-58.
Gallagher, S. and Allen, M. 2016. Active inference, enactivism and the hermeneutics of social cognition. Synthese. doi:10.1007/s11229-016-1269-8 (open access link:
Gallagher, S. and Trigg, D. 2016. Agency and anxiety: Delusions of control and loss of control in Schizophrenia and Agoraphobia. Frontiers in Neuroscience 10: 459. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00459.
Gallagher, S. and Varga, S. 2015. Social cognition and psychopathology: a critical overview. World Psychiatry 14 (1): 5-14. DOI 10.1002/wps.20173.
Gallagher, S. and Varga, S. 2015. Conceptual issues in autism spectrum disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 28 (2): 127-32. doi: 10.1097/YCO.0000000000000142.
Gallagher, S. 2014. The cruel and unusual phenomenology of solitary confinement. Frontiers in Psychology.