Stephen Tabachnick

Professor Emeritus

Office Hours


B.A., 1966, University of California, Berkeley
M.A., 1967, University of Chicago
Ph.D., 1971, University of Connecticut

Academic Summary

Stephen Tabachnick specializes in British literature from 1880 to 1940. His areas of research interest include biography and autobiography, the graphic novel, and travel literature, as well as fiction and poetry. He sees literary criticism, biography, and teaching as interpretive arts and tries to help his students find their own voices and perspectives.

Select Publications

  • The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel. Jan Baetens and Hugo Frey, co-editors. Cambridge University Press, 2018. 
  • Editor: The Cambridge Companion to the Graphic Novel (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
  • Co-Editor: Drawn from the Classics: Essays on Graphic Adaptations of Literary Texts (McFarland, 2015). Esther Saltzman, co-editor.
  • The Quest for Jewish Belief and Identity in the Graphic Novel (University of Alabama Press, 2014)
  • "The Graphic Novel and the Age of Transition: A Survey and Analysis." English Literature in Transition: 1880-1920 53.1 (2010): 3-28.
  • Editor, Teaching the Graphic Novel (Modern Language Association, 2009).
  • "A Comic-Book World." World Literature Today (March-April 2007): 24-28.
  • Lawrence of Arabia: An Encyclopedia (Greenwood, 2004).
  • Fiercer than Tigers: The Life and Works of Rex Warner (Michigan State University Press, 2002).
  • Images of Lawrence (Jonathan Cape, 1988). With photos from the collection of Christopher Matheson.
  • Afterword, Humphrey Cobb, Paths of Glory (University of Georgia Press, 1987).
  • Editor, Explorations in Doughty's "Arabia Deserta" (University of Georgia Press, 1987). Republished in paperback, 2012.
  • Editor, The T.E. Lawrence Puzzle (University of Georgia Press, 1984). Republished in paperback, 2011.
  • Charles Doughty (Twayne, 1981).
  • T.E. Lawrence (Twayne, 1978).
  • Harold Pinter (Oliver & Boyd, 1973). Co-author William Baker.

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