Kathy Schultz

B.A.,1990, Oberlin College
M.F.A., 1996, San Francisco State University
Ph.D., 2006, University of Pennsylvania
Academic Summary
Poet-scholar Dr. Kathy Lou Schultz's areas of research include African American and Afro-Diasporic literature and culture, multi-ethnic American literature, poetry and poetics, modernism, critical theory, gender studies, and the epic. She has a continuing interest in the relationship between literary histories and national histories, as well as the role of the arts, especially poetry, in the social world.
Select Publications
- Introduction to Claudie Rankine. Lake Forest College/Northwestern University Press, 2023.
- The Afro-Modernist Epic and Literary History: Tolson, Hughes, Baraka. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, Series in Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, 2012.
Poetry Collections
- "To: 'To Elsie'":, Arouse is a ruse is a rose," "Class (A Manifesto) Again. Touch the Donkey. above/ground press, 2023.
- Biting Midge (New York: Belladonna, 2008)
- Some Vague Wife (Berkeley: Atelos Press, 2002)
Articles and Book Chapters
- “‘Oh Say Can You See’: Seeing and the Unseen in Claudia Rankine’s Citizen: An American Lyric.” The Cambridge Companion to Twentieth-Century American Poetry and Politics Since 1900. Daniel Morris, Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2023: 196-210.
- “Love as Revolutionary Practice in Askia Touré’s Songhai!” Special tribute to Askia M. Toure. Paideuma: Modern and Contemporary Poetry and Poetics, 48 (2022): 141-156.
- "Melvin B. Tolson." Companion to Modernist Poetry. Eds. David Chinitz and Gail McDonald. Blackwell, forthcoming.
- "Amiri Baraka's Wise Why's Wise: Lineages of the Afro-Modernist Epic." Journal of Modern Literature 35.3 (Spring 2012): 25-50.
- "To Save and Destroy: Melvin B. Tolson, Langston Hughes, and Theories of the Archive." Contemporary Literature Vol. 52 No. 1 (Spring 2011): 108-45.
- "'I have questions': Kalamu ya Salaam and Langston Hughes." Jacket2. Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania. 7 Nov. 2011. Web.
- "'My Epic': Aaron Shurin, Robert Duncan, and the New College of California" Jacket2. Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania. 4 Oct 2011. Web.
- "Rhapsodes, Griots, and Modes of Performance." Jacket2. Kelly Writers House, University of Pennsylvania. 11 Sept 2011. Web.
- "Kathy Lou Schultz On Myung My Kim." Efforts and Affections: Women Poets on Mentorship. Eds. Arielle Greenberg and Rachel Zucker. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2008. 207-216.
- "Small Press, Big Wor(l)ds: African American Poetry from Publication to Archive." Rainbow Darkness: An Anthology of African American Poetry. Ed. Keith Tuma. Oxford, OH: Miami University Press, 2005. 185-196.
- "Proceed Queerly: The Sentence As Compositional Unit." Biting the Error: Writers Explore Narrative. Ed. Mary Burger, Robert Gluck, Camille Roy, and Gail Scott. Toronto, ON: Coach House Press. 2004.
- "Talking Trash, Talking Class: What's a Working Class Poetic and Where Would I Find One?" Tripwire: A Journal of Poetics No. 1, February 1998; Reprinted in HOW2 1.2 (September 1999)
- "Trio" (three poems). Dr. Guy's MusiQology. The Colored Waiting Room. 2012. CD.
- Interview by Rob McClennan. "TdD Supplements #234: Seven Questions for Kathy Lou Schultz." above/ground press. Ontario, Canada. March 3, 2023.
Invited Lecture
- "Against Spectatorship: 'Being with' Claudie Rankine's American Lyric." St. Louis University, Department of English, 2023.
Poems in journals including New American Writing, OnandOnScreen, Fence Magazine, Hambone, Electronic Poetry Review, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Mirage #4/Period(ical), Fourteen Hills, and others.