Undergraduate Advisors

Thank you for recommending a WGST minor to your students. The program is a great complement to any major in the College of Arts & Sciences and in other colleges across campus. Below you’ll find helpful information about the program, its benefits, and recruiting documents. Please reach out to Chrystal Goudsouzian at cdykes@memphis.edu with any program questions or recruiting material request!


In the program, undergraduate students take a total of 18 credits. Nine credits are taken in the Core/Guided Core and nine credits are taken in elective courses focused on the study of women, gender, and/or sexuality. For a full list of requirements, click here. Courses used for general education or major/minor requirements can be used to fulfill the WGST minor requirements.

General Education Courses and the WGST Minor

The following courses can be used for a student’s general education requirements as well as for the Women’s and Gender Studies minor. Planned well, 3-9 credits can be used for both sets of requirements.

History Category

  • ANTH 3282 - American Communities 
  • HIST 3881 - African American History 
  • HIST 4851 - History of Women in America
  • SOCI 3422 - Racial/Ethnc Minorities 

Social Behavioral Sciences Category

  • WGST 2100 - Introduction to Women's and Gender Study 

Pairs Well With:       

The WGST minor works well with any program of study but it has shared coursework* in the following areas:

  • African and African American Studies Major and Minor
  • Anthropology Major and Minor
  • Art History Major and Minor
  • Classics Minor
  • Communication Major and Minor
  • Criminal Justice Major and Minor
  • English Major and Minor
  • Environmental Studies Minor
  • History Major and Minor
  • International and Global Studies Major and Minor
  • Philosophy Major and Minor
  • Political Science Major and Minor
  • Psychology Major and Minor
  • Religious Studies Minor
  • Social Justice Minor
  • Social Work Major and Minor
  • Sociology Major and Minor

*Many of the courses taken for these majors and minors can do double duty in the WGST minor.

Recruiting Materials

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