
The Women’s and Gender Studies program is committed to providing our undergraduate students with enriching educational opportunities outside of the classroom in the Memphis community and beyond!

WGST internships should:

  • Provide students with opportunities to apply analytical, interpretive, expressive, and creative skills developed in WGST coursework to work and projects that benefit women, families, and those in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Foster advocacy and/or organizing skills that allow students the opportunity to begin to effect positive change at the local, regional, or national level.
  • Build students' professional experiences and skills.
  • Fulfill individual learning objectives that will aid future study/work plans as outlined by individual students and their faculty advisors.

Course Credit

Students undertaking a WGST-related internship are encouraged to enroll in the associated academic internship course through the College of Arts and Sciences. CAS 4800 can be taken for up to 9 credits, but only 3 credits can apply to the WGST minor. Internship students enroll in the course based on the hours they plan to work at the internship site. Every 50 hours of work = 1 credit hour. Most students take CAS 4800 for 3 credits and work 150 hours over the course of a semester. The internship course can be taken in any semester, including summer. Internship grades are given on a Satisfactory (S)/Unsatisfactory (U) grading scale. For more information, please see the internship contract located here.

Getting Started...

The supervising internship faculty member for WGST internships and the instructor of CAS 4800 for WGST students is Dr. Chrystal Goudsouzian. Before scheduling a meeting with Dr. Goudsouzian, please read this page fully and check over the internship contract linked above. Peruse the internship placement sites and consider where you might want to work; feel free to ask about sites not included here - we can always forge new partnerships as needed. Next, create a list of potential internship sites and update your resume. For resume help, refer to the Career Services help page for Resumes and Cover Letters. Once you have an idea of where you'd like to intern and a working resume, contact Dr. Goudsouzian to get started!

Helpful Links

Looking for an internship? Check out these internship listing sites:

Need Resume, Cover Letter, or Interview Assistance? Check out these helpful sites:

Need Help with your internship search? Want tips on your resume, cover letter, or interview skills? Just need general career planning advice? Contact Career Services at careerservices@memphis.edu.  

Potential Internship Partners

Local | Regional | National




Africa in AprilArtsMemphis


Backbeat Tours | Belz Museum | Blues Foundation | The Brooks Museum


Center for Southern Folklore | ChoicesChucalissa | Church Health | City of Memphis | Cotton Museum


Davies Manor Historic Site | The Dixon Gallery and Gardens | Dorothy Day House


Facing History and Ourselves | Friends for Life






Jewish Historical Society of Memphis and the MidSouth

Latino Memphis | Literacy MidSouth



Memphis Artists For Change | Memphis Historic Houses | Memphis and Shelby County Room | Memphis Heritage Foundation | Memphis in May | Memphis WYCA | MICAH Memphis | MidSouth Peace and Justice | MIFA | Memphis Rock and Soul Museum | Mississippi Valley Archives | The Marcus Orr Center | Memphis River Parks


National Civil Rights Museum | National Ornamental Metal Museum




Peer Power | Museum of Science and History (Pink Palace) | Planned Parenthood | Porter Leath  


SheCollective | Shelby County Archives | Shelby Farms | Sister Reach | Stax Museum | Soulville Foundation


Teach for America, Memphis | Temple IsraelTheatre MemphisTN Department of Environment and Conservation 


UofM Art Museum | UofM English Contacts | UofM Political Science Contacts | Urban Child Institute


Victorian Village

W Women's Foundation of Greater Memphis | Woodruff-Fontaine House | World Relief


Youth Villages  




DeSoto County MuseumGirl Scout Camp Tik-A-Witha | Morgan County Oral History ProjectSultana Museum




ACLU | Campus Pride | GLAD | History News Network | Library of Congress | LGBTQ+ Health | National Art Museums | PFLAGSmithsonian Museums | Studio Institute (Museums) | Trevor ProjectUnited States Holocaust Memorial Museum | The Washington Center  

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