
The Women’s and Gender studies program is committed to helping its students find meaningful careers. WGST minors should talk with their academic advisors often about their evolving career interests as they move through their program of study. Advisors will help students learn ways to market their degrees, point them to important career search resources both on and off campus, and connect them with program alumni in wide-ranging roles. All WGST minors are welcome to discuss their career pathway with the program director. They are also encouraged to take part in an internship before they graduate.

Minor Career Pathways

US Bureau of Labor Statistics on Gender Studies Graduates

32 Careers for Women’s and Gender Studies Students

10 Jobs You Can Do with A Gender Studies Degree

A Major in Gender Studies Provides Healthy Perspective and a Path to an Empowered Career

Career Search Resources

Career Services – Your One Stop Shop!

Looking for Jobs: TigerLink

Need guidance? Meet with a Career Advisor

Need virtual help finding your career path? Stepping Blocks Career Pathway Platform

Want a concrete plan: Build A Career Plan with Career Services

Need resume, cover letter help? Interview help?

Need help with professional attire? Suit Yourself Program

Marketing Your WGST Minor

John Jay’s “How to Market your WGST Degree”

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