WGST Advisory Board

Giovanni N. Dortch, Sociology
Susan Nordstrom, CEPR
William Robertson, Anthropology
Cookie Woolner, History


WMST 2100 Teaching Faculty

Sepideh Dashiti (Art and Design)
Chrystal Goudsouzian (History)
Madison Horton (Religious Studies)
Quinn Houlihan (Urban Affairs and Public Policy)
Jameliah Shorter-Bourhanou (Philosophy)
Sam Stiegler (Educational Psychology)


WGST Affiliate Faculty


Lindsey Feldman, Ph.D. - prison, gender and punishment, masculinities, gender and labor
Michael Vicente Pérez, Ph.D. - human rights and gender, religion and gender
William Robertson, Ph.D. - LGBTQ+ health, queer/trans anthropology, queer theory, transgender studies


Bryna Bobick, Ed.D. - urban art education, civic engagement, community art


Jaime Sabel, Ph.D. - underrepresentation in STEM

Communication and Film

Christina L. Moss, Ph.D. - gender and Southern identity, intersectionality

Counseling, Educational Psychology and Research

Taneshia Greenidge, Ph.D., Ed.S. - sexuality, family, African American women, feminism
Alison Happel-Parkins, Ph.D. - pelvic floor health, feminist qualitative research, ecofeminism
Susan Nordstrom, Ph.D. - postqualitative research methodology, qualitative research methodology, critical qualitative research methodology, arts-based research
Crystal L. White, Ph.D. - hip hop feminism, gendered-racial and sexual identity development, sexy-selfies research

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Shelley Keith, Ph.D. - gender identity, restorative justice, and crime
Amaia Iratzoqui, Ph.D. - domestic violence, gender and victimization

Earth Sciences

Angela Antipova, Ph.D. - transportation studies, medical geography (race disparities in health outcomes in women), urban processes
Esra Ozdenerol, Ph.D. - gender inequalities, GIS approaches to gender analysis, gender indicators, women’s health


Lorinda B. Cohoon, Ph.D. - children's and young adult literature, boyhoods, girlhoods, and young adulthoods in literature, and women, literature, and law
Sage Lambert Graham, Ph.D. - gender and language, gender in digital discourse, gender in legal and medical discourse
Verner D. Mitchell, Ph.D. - Black women writers, gender and the military
Rhonda R. Powers, M.A. - premodern gender, performance, and power
Courtney Miller Santo, M.F.A. - literary and artistic constructions of gender and sex, intergenerational family
Leah C. Windsor, Ph.D. - gender and bias in family formation in academia, and gender, language, and politics
Lyn Wright, Ph.D. - language learning and multilingualism, gender, sexuality, family


Christine Eisel, Ph.D. - Early American women, gender, law
Chrystal Goudsouzian, Ph.D. - ancient gender, identity, sexuality, family
Selina Makana, Ph.D. - African women, transnational feminism, war and militarism, modern global history, oral history

Instruction and Curriculum Leadership

Thouraya Al-Nasser, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA - women in Islam, cultural system analysis, organizational behavior analysis, honor crimes


Edith Gnanadass, Ph.D. - race and learning, adult learning theory, DesiCrit, qualitative research


Michael J. Monahan, Ph.D. - feminist theory, oppression, gender


Kathryn Howell, Ph.D. - family systems, mother-child dyad, maternal mental health, intergenerational trauma
Rachel L (Rane) Ankney, Ph.D. - gender identity, intersectionality, transgender identities

Public and Nonprofit Administration

Elizabeth M. Gillespie, Ph.D. - women's philanthropy, feminism, nonprofits

Religious Studies

Dianna N. Watkins-Dickerson, Ph.D. - womanist theory, religious studies, political communication

School of Social Work

Bernadette K. Ombayo, Ph.D. – intimate partner violence across lifespan, gender and women’s studies, sexuality, Black women, feminism


Giovanni N. Dortch, Ph.D. - reproductive justice, gender, race and health policy, feminist theory and pedagogy
Wesley James, Ph.D. - maternal mortality, infant mortality, gender health disparities
Jeni Loftus, Ph.D. - gender, sexuality, relationships, family
Kendra Murphy, M.A. - sociology of gender, statistical literacy and health
Gretchen Peterson, Ph.D. - inequality, sports, household labor
Patricia Watson, Ph.D. - gender, sexual and gender-based violence, reproductive justice

Student Academic Success

Karen Weddle-West, Ph.D. - Black women's/feminist studies

University Libraries

Ashley Roach-Freiman, M.F.A., M.L.I.S - gender in communications and popular culture, critical information literacy

World Languages and Literatures

Vania Barraza, Ph.D. - film studies, Latin American literature, Chilean cinema, gender and sexuality studies, children's literature
Cosetta Gaudenzi, Ph.D. - gender in Italian cinema and literature
Heike Polster, Ph.D. - women's texts, feminist literary scholarship, narratology, critical time studies
Diana Ruggiero, Ph.D. - Latinx women, community engagement, world languages for specific purposes, DEI

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