Kaori Fujii

Assistant Professor of Teaching, Japanese

Jones Hall 217
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B.A., 1991, Kyoto University of Foreign Studies (English, Education)
M.A.,2017, University of Memphis (ESL) 

About Kaori Fujii
Kaori Fujii is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Japanese at the University of Memphis. She has been teaching a variety of courses (from JAPN1010 to JAPN3301, JAPN 3401-Intro to Japanese Literature and Culture, JAPN3402 - Directed Reading in Japanese Culture, and Online courses JAPN1010 and 2020). In addition, she worked as a lecturer at Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.(MEPPI) where her position involved instruction of basic Japanese conversation and business related culture, development of course materials, and evaluation. Teaching a wide range of courses has made her aware of the needs and interests of a culturally and ethnically diverse student body. As a result, her teaching style focuses on interconnection between the learner’s preexisting knowledge, culture and learning abilities. Kaori recognizes the importance of creating better learning environment where she builds meaningful relationships with her students on a basis of mutual trust and respect. 

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