5 Reasons to Study the Classics

  1. It is one of the most varied and interdisciplinary of all subjects and can include language, literature, history, philosophy, art, and archaeology.
  2. Studying the classics is necessary to understand Western civilization.
  3. Classics students acquire a wide range of theoretical and methodological strategies.
  4. Through the study of classics, students develop linguistic and analytical skills which serve them well in a variety of future professional contexts.
  5. Students who study classics have a better success rate getting into medical school, have the highest success rates of any majors in law school, and have some of the highest scores on the GRE of all undergraduates.  

Job Opportunities for Students of Classics:  

Academic researcher 

Editorial assistant  

Higher education lecturer 

Museum/gallery curator 

Secondary school teacher 


Academic librarian 


Chartered accountant 

Civil Service fast streamer 

Government social research officer 

Heritage manager 

Local government officer 

Market researcher 

Marketing executive 

Museum education officer 

Newspaper journalist 

Project manager 


Additional Opportunities for Students:

  1. Positions for teachers  of Greek and Latin at Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle and High School level: https://www.aclclassics.org/Placement/Search-Jobs
  2. Academic positions and non-academic employment: https://www.classicalstudies.org/placement/placement-service
  3. 3.  Read Ken Kitchell’s “Careers for Classicists in Today’s World”:
  4. Website devoted to the promotion of Latin:
  5. State-by-state guide to certification as a 7-12 Latin Teacher: