Language Clubs and Tables

Please contact the people listed below for additional information about Clubs, Honor Societies, and Language Tables.

Clubs and Honor Societies:


Chinese Culture Club
Lan Zhang (lzhang3@memphis.edu)


Pi Delta Phi (French National Honors Society)
Errol O'Neill (emoneill@memphis.edu)


Delta Phi Alpha (National German Honorary Society)
Monika Nenon (mcnenon@memphis.edu)

German Club
Robert Kelz (rkelz@memphis.edu)


Circolo Italiano
Cosetta Gaudenzi (lcgaudenz@memphis.edu)


Japanese National Honor Society
Yuki Matsuda (ymatsuda@memphis.edu)

Students of the Japanese Program (SOTJP)
Yuki Matsuda (ymatsuda@memphis.edu)


Sigma Delta Pi (Spanish National Honor Society)
Ivan Ortega Santos (rtgsntos@memphis.edu)

Spanish Club
Vania Barraza (vbarraza@memphis.edu)


Language Tables

Chinese Table

Contact:  Lan Zhang (lzhang3@memphis.edu)
Fridays from 1 PM - 2 PM, Jones 239

Classics Table

Contact: Rita Pasqui (rpasqui@memphis.edu)

German Table

Contact: Ian McLean (iamclean@memphis.edu)
Fridays 1 PM - 2 PM at Belltower Coffee on Highland Ave

Italian Table

Contact: Cosetta Gaudenzi (cgaudenz@memphis.edu)
Fridays 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM at the FedEx Institute Coffee Shop

Japanese Table

Contact: Hironori Nishi (hnishi1@memphis.edu)
Fridays 12:45 - 1:45 PM, Jones Hall 249

La Mesa Española

Contact: Marina Carracedo (marina.carracedo@memphis.edu)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 1:15 PM - 2:15 PM, Student Lounge, Jones Hall 241 
Fridays: 1:15 - 2:15 PM, Belltower Coffeehouse.

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