Master of Arts in Spanish

This information is intended for prospective graduate students and students who are already in the graduate program. All students pursuing the Master of Arts degree in Romance Languages with a concentration in Spanish should read this document in its entirety. If further information is needed or if any of the aspects described in this document requires clarification, the student should immediately make an appointment to speak with the Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Dr. Ortega Santos.

The student is also expected to be aware of the academic regulations described in the Graduate Catalog. Prospective graduate students should also familiarize themselves with the material contained herein, for it will provide an overview of the program along with information about what is expected of the student, stipends available, and course offerings. Prospective graduate students are encouraged to meet the Spanish graduate faculty and the Spanish graduate students, to visit undergraduate and graduate classes, and to contact the Coordinator of Graduate Studies to arrange a personal interview.

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