Languages and Literature (LALI) for Masters of Art in Spanish

LALI 6441 - Dante (3) Vita Nuova and Divina Commedia; presented in English.

LALI 6493 - Contemporary French Literature (3) Emphasis on widely translated, well-known works by major French writers; presented in English translation.

LALI 6890 - Literary Criticism (3) Study of the history and theory of literary criticism as exemplified by texts selected from various literary traditions. PREREQUISITE: Six hours of coursework in a foreign language at the 3000 level or above.

LALI 7780 - Individual Studies in Business Language (1-3) Directed individual study in selected areas of language and culture chosen in consultation with instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours. PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor.


LING 7101 - Intro To Linguistics I (3) Nature of language; history of linguistic theory; morphology and syntax, concentrating on languages other than English.

LING 7174 - Spec Method/Lang Ed (3) (Same as ICL 7174). Examines theoretical and practical issues relating to teaching of foreign languages K-12 through lectures, reading of current literature, class discussion, guest speakers, etc.; explores role of context in comprehension and learning, listening, reading, oral proficiency, writing, testing, culture, and curriculum.

LING 7201 - Intro To Linguistics II (3) Principles and applications of phonology, with major emphasis on languages other than English; historical linguistics, concentrating on Romance and other language families; psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, semantics.


PORT 6024 - Brazilian Short Story (3)  Accelerated introduction to Portuguese for graduate students with a solid command of Spanish; provides an introduction to Brazilian contemporary literature and focuses on Portuguese grammar, emphasizing the differences between Spanish and Portuguese. This course fulfills the language reading knowledge requirement.

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