Spanish Major

Spanish majors can take advantage of an array of careers: Arts, Media & Entertainment, Teaching, Social Work, Human Resources, Travel & Tourism, Service, Industry & Commerce, Scientific & Professional, Government, Armed Forces, Court Translators, High School and College Counseling, Sales and Marketing, etc. The areas of Law Enforcement, Medicine and Law also need bilingual professionals at all levels.

There are three basic concentrations: 1) concentration in Spanish; 2) a two-language concentration; 3) a three-language concentration (Spanish and one of the following: Chinese, French, German, Greek, Italian, Latin, or Japanese).

Concentration in Spanish

A minimum of twenty-four (24) upper-division semester hours is required for a major (the equivalent of eight (8) courses at the 3000 level or above). For students in this classification, the following courses in Spanish are available:

  • 3301 Conversation 
  • 3303 Composition
  • 3304 Introduction to Hispanic Studies
  • 3308 Spanish Phonetics
  • 3312 Advanced Conversation
  • 3313 Advanced Composition
  • 4307-08 Advanced Grammar (4307 in the Fall and 4308 in the Spring)
  • 4306 Applied Spanish Linguistics (required for teachers)
  • 4310 Spanish for Heritage Speakers
  • 4410 Spanish Literature and Civilization (required for a single-language concentration in Spanish)
  • 4431 Contemporary Spanish Prose
  • 4432 Contemporary Spanish Poetry and Drama
  • 4510 Spanish American Literature and Civilization (required for a single-language concentration in Spanish)
  • 4561 Pre-Contemporary Spanish American Prose Fiction
  • 4562 Contemporary Spanish American Prose Fiction
  • 4563 Hispanic Literary Genres (required for a single-language concentration in Spanish)
  • 4564 Hispanic Cinema
  • 4701 Spanish for Commerce
  • 4702 Spanish for Commerce II
  • 4703 Languages/Cultures/Communities
  • 4704 Spanish for Healthcare
  • 4705 Spanish for Medical Interpretation
  • 4790-99 Special Topics in Literature and Linguistics


Two-language concentration A minimum of twenty-seven (27) upper-division hours is required, with a minimum of nine (9) hours in each language. Three-language concentration

This option requires prior consultation and with the approval of the chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Normally a three-language concentration requires thirty-three (33) upper-division semester hours: at least twelve (12) semester hours in two languages plus approved course work in a third language.

More information

For a full description of the program, please refer to the undergraduate catalog. A sample four-year plan for studying Spanish (Typical 4-Year Spanish Concentration Sequence) can also be found on that webpage.

If you are interested in finding out more about the Spanish program, please contact the Undergraduate Advising Team at spanish@memphis.edu

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