Romar Rodríguez-León
Assistant Professor of Teaching, Spanish

About Romar Rodríguez-León
Romar Rodríguez-León is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Spanish at the University of Memphis. She teaches various levels from basic Spanish to advanced courses such as SPAN 3301 (Basic Composition) and SPAN 3312 (Advanced Conversation) both online and face to face and is part of the Spanish online development team of the World Languages and Literatures Department. She enjoys painting, working out, traveling, and the company of many dogs. She started a non-profit dog rescue organization in her home country of Venezuela back in the year 2016 called Fundación Sunti. This organization would go on to rescue hundreds of street dogs and give them a chance at adoption. She has also written a children's story titled "Una perrita caída del cielo" which can be found on Amazon. She has an avid passion for learning languages and loves teaching about the different aspects of Hispanic culture. Aside from Spanish and English, Romar is also conversationally literate in both the French and Portuguese language, which she hopes will get better in time.
B.A. (1995), Universidad Santa María
M.A. (2008), University of Memphis
M.A. (2012), University of Memphis