Fernando Burgos

Fernando Burgos

Professor of Spanish

Jones Hall 201C
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B.A. (1970) Universidad de Chile
Ph.D (1981) University of Florida

About Dr. Burgos Pérez

Dr. Fernando Burgos Pérez completed his BA at the Universidad de Chile with the degree Profesor de Español and received his Ph.D. in Romance Languages from the University of Florida where he was awarded a Recognition for Outstanding Contribution. Before coming to the University of Memphis, he taught intensive language courses for two summers at Middlebury College in Vermont. He also taught literature for four years at the University of Chile-Osorno as an assistant professor. His area of research includes twentieth and twentieth-first century Latin American narrative. Professor Burgos Pérez has delivered more than ninety papers at international and national conferences and has been invited as a keynote speaker at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Perú and at the University of Cincinnati. In his more than eighty articles and fourteen books, Professor Burgos Pérez has discussed the fundamental tenets of both modernity and postmodernity in Latin American literature. Vertientes de la modernidad hispanoamericana (Caracas, 1995), Cuentos de Hispanoamérica en el siglo XX (3 vols. Madrid, 1997), Los escritores y la creación en Hispanoamérica (Madrid, 2004), Un lector y un escritor tras el enigma: la narrativa de Enrique Jaramillo Levi (Panamá, 2010), and Una temporada en la posmodernidad latinoamericana (Santiago, Chile, 2017) are among his published books.

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