Japanese Major

A Major in World Language (Japanese concentration) consists of 24 credit hours (eight courses) at the upper-division level (3000 level or above). There are three possible concentrations: 1) concentration in Japanese; 2) a two-language concentration, combining Japanese with one other language taught in the department*; 3) a three-language concentration: Japanese and two other languages taught in the department.**  To declare Japanese Major, please go to Scates Room 107.

The following upper-division level Japanese courses are offered:

JAPN 3301 - Conversation/Composition I (3)
PREREQUISITE: JAPN 2020, or equivalent.

JAPN 3302 - Conversation/Composition II (3)
PREREQUISITE: JAPN 3301, or equivalent.

JAPN 3401 - Intro to Japanese Literature (3)
Japanese literature and culture through a selection of important literary works written since 1900. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 3301, or equivalent.

JAPN 3402 - Readings/JAPN Culture (3)
Continued development of cultural competencies and language skills for professional purposes through a wide range of primary reading materials such as newspaper articles, comic books, biographies, and essays. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 3301 or permission of instructor.

JAPN 3500 - Japanese Writing System (3)
This course introduces the characteristics of the Japanese writing system and their communicative functions in contemporary Japanese. The students will analyze how the four types of Japanese scripts had developed and are used in texts in various genres, such as in social and news media, manga, and literature. The course also focuses on how best to learn and retain kanji characters. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 2020 or equivalent.

JAPN 3900 - Japan Culture/Society (3-6)
Intensive language and culture course; travel to Japanese speaking country required. PREREQUISITE: permission of study abroad director.

JAPN 4401 - Advanced Japanese I (3)
Advanced development of language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing) and cultural knowledge. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 3302 or permission of instructor.

JAPN 4402 - Advanced Japanese II (3)
Continuation of JAPN 4401. Further development of advanced language and cultural skills. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 4401 or permission of instructor.

JAPN 4501 - Japanese Linguistics (3)
Theory and hands-on data analysis in various aspects of Japanese linguistics, including syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 3301, or permission of instructor.

Japanese 4701/4702 - Japanese for Professional Purposes (3)
Focusing on the acquisition of communication skills and socio-cultural knowledge that are necessary to handle formal and professional situations in a Japanese speaking environment. PREREQUISITE: JAPN 3302 or permission from instructor. 

JAPN 4780 - Individual Study in Japanese (3)
Directed individual study in selected area of Japanese chosen in consultation with instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.


*A two-language concentration chosen from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish: 27 upper division semester hours with a minimum of 9 semester hours in each language.
**A three-language concentration chosen from Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish: All three language concentrations require prior consultation with the approval of the department chair. Plans will normally include at least 33 upper division semester hours to include at least 12 semester hours in each of two languages plus approved course work in a third language.

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