Shinobu Watanabe

Assistant Professor of Teaching

(901) 678-5338
Jones Hall 253A
Office Hours
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B.A., 2009, University of Memphis (Cognitive Psychology)
M.A., 2015, University of Memphis (Linguistics)
Cognitive Science Certificate, 2016, University of Memphis


About Shinobu Watanabe

Shinobu Watanabe is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in Japanese at the University of Memphis. She has taught various courses from elementary to upper division language courses, including elective courses such as JAPN3402: Reading Japanese Culture, LALI 4012: Japanese Culture Society, JAPN3401: Introduction to Literature, and JAPN 3500: Japanese Writing System. Her research interests involve foreign language learning and acquisition, specifically Japanese, for college students. By finding effective teaching methods, she wants to not only accelerate the student's learning of Japanese language and culture but also cultivate the student's interpersonal and thinking skills. Shinobu believes that students should develop their flexibility in thinking logically, critically, and analytically, as well as interacting through face-to-face, online, verbal, and nonverbal communication. Furthermore, she encourages students to collaborate with people of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities, ages, etc. and develop their presentation skills using an array of tools. In all these areas of growth, Shinobu hopes that students can acquire the necessary skills in fun ways during their education in the Japanese program. In addition to being an Assistant Professor of Teaching, Shinobu has been enrolled in the Ed.D. degree program with a concentration in the Instruction and Curriculum Leadership program since 2015.

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