2024-2025 Calendar

Fall 2024

ITAL 1010. Elementary Italian I

ITAL 2010. Intermediate Italian I

ITAL 3301. Conv. & Comp. I

ITAL 4792 The Legacy of Italian Culture (Taught in English)

ITAL 4780. Individual Studies

ITAL 7690. Research in Italian Studies

UNHP 1100 324. Food Culture and Italian Identity

Spring 2025

ITAL 1010. Elementary Italian I

ITAL 1020. Elementary Italian II

ITAL 2020. Intermediate Italian II

ITAL 3302. Conv. & Comp. II

ITAL 4441/LALI 6441 Dante (Taught in English)

ITAL 4780. Individual Studies

ITAL 7690. Research in Italian Studies



Course Catalogue

ITAL 1010. Elementary Italian I. (3). Basic skills fundamental to language proficiency and culture.

ITAL 1020. Elementary Italian II. (3). Further development of basic skills fundamental to language proficiency and culture. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 1010, or equivalent.

ITAL 2010. Intermediate Italian I. (3). Comprehensive review of basic grammar, exercises in conversation, writing, and cultural readings. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 1020 or equivalent.

ITAL 2020. Intermediate Italian II. (3). Continued development of basic language skills through oral and written practice. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 2010, or equivalent. 

ITAL 3301. Conversation and Composition I. (3). Development of oral proficiency and writing skills. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 2020 or equivalent.

ITAL 3302. Conversation and Composition II. (3). Development of oral proficiency and writing skills. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 2020 or equivalent.

ITAL 3311. Advanced Conversation and Composition I. (3). Designed to develop strong conversational and listening skills; includes wide variety of activities and exposure to native conversational speed; selected readings to help expand vocabulary. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 3301 or permission of instructor.

ITAL 3312. Advanced Conversation and Composition II. (3). Continued development of strong conversational and listening skills; includes wide variety of activities and exposure to native conversational speed; selected readings to help expand vocabulary. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 3301 or permission of instructor.

ITAL 3411. Introduction to Italian Literature. (3). Survey of major literary works from the Middle Ages to the present. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 3301 or permission of instructor.

ITAL 3900. Italian Culture and Society. (3-6). Intensive language and culture; travel to an Italian speaking country required. PREREQUISITE: permission of study abroad director.

ITAL4441. Dante. (3). Study of the Vita Nuova and the Divina Commedia. Students taking this course do not receive credit for LALI 4441. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 2020, or permission of instructor.

ITAL 4791. Business Italian  (3). To enhance the students' Italian language skills for use in a business context. PREREQUISITE: ITAL 2020, or permission of instructor.

ITAL 4780. Individual Studies in Italian. (1-3). Directed individual study in selected areas of Italian chosen in consultation with instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

ITAL 4791-99. Special Topics in Italian Literature, Language, and Civilization. (3). May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

ITAL 4800. Internship in a field related to Italian culture (3). May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

ITAL 7690. Research in Italian Studies. (3). Individual research on topics in Italian literature and culture. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours. PREREQUISITE: permission of instructor.

LALI 4441-6441. Dante. (3). Study of the Vita Nuova and the Divine Comedy in English translation. This course can be taken to satisfy the three hours of upper-division coursework in Humanities. It has no prerequisites.

LALI 4442. Italian Cinema from 1945 to Present. (3). Screening and discussion of major Italian movies in context of 20th and early 21st century Italian culture and society This course can be taken to satisfy the three hours of upper-division coursework in Humanities. It has no prerequisites.

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