small german town

German Study Abroad

The German program has an emphasis on study abroad. Students studying German are strongly encouraged to participate in one of our Study Abroad programs in Germany:

International Summer Study Abroad Programs in Eichstätt, Bremen, and Mainz
Academic Year Program at the Catholic University of Eichstätt/Ingolstadt
Memphis/Mainz/Wiesbaden/ German Television ZDF

I. International Summer Study Abroad Programs

The Department sponsors four-week language/literature summer programs at the

  • Katholische Universität Eichstätt. (Mid July/August).
  • Universität Bremen
  • Universität Mainz

Scholarships are available through the Office for International Programs. The students will earn six hours of German credit. The students take courses in German language and culture, literature, or political science. At the beginning, there is a placement test to determine the students' proficiency. At the end of the four-week program, there is a written exam. During the four-week period the students make significant progress in their language proficiency in German. They communicate with their fellow students from around the world in German and have the chance to study a foreign culture closely. One of the best features of the program is the fact that it is truly international.

II. Academic Year Program at the Catholic University of Eichstätt/Ingolstadt

Students from the University of Memphis have the opportunity to study a semester or an academic year at the Catholic University of Eichstätt. The students usually take courses in German as a foreign language along with a few other humanities courses. Information about this program is available through Dr. Monika Nenon (901.678.4094).

Students from the University of Memphis also have the opportunity to study in Germany through ISEP. Please contact Ms. Rebecca Laumann in the Center for International Programs and Services to find out more about these opportunities (678-4271).

III. Interdisciplinary Study Abroad Programs

Memphis/Mainz/Wiesbaden/ German Television ZDF
The University of Memphis participates in a unique partnership with German Television ZDF, the University of Mainz, the University of Applied Sciences in Wiesbaden, and the American Consulate in Frankfurt. This program is aimed primarily at students from the areas Journalism, Communications and Film and Broadcasting, but is also open to students from other areas such as other fine arts or social work. Students who participate in the program are automatically eligible for a paid internship at the German television station ZDF, which is also located in Mainz. This provides them with a unique opportunity to put their language skills to use at the university and in a working environment and receive significant insight into the German media system. Contact Dr. Joseph Hayden in Journalism for more information about the program.

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