The German Program

Requirements for a Major in German

Students wishing to major in German must take twenty-four upper-division hours, that is, eight courses in German at the 3000 or 4000 level. Prerequisite for upper-division courses is the successful completion of GERM 2020.

All German majors should take GERM 3301 and 3302 (Conversation & Composition), GERM 3303 (German Translation) and GERM 3411 and 3412 (Introduction to German Literature and Culture) at their earliest opportunity. Though offered at regular intervals, these courses are not available every semester.

Students who are planning to teach German should consult with the German section head and with the School of Education concerning courses which will meet the requirements for secondary certification.

Students who wish to use their language skills in business should take GERM 3791 and 3792 (Business German).

The remainder of the major will consist of 4000-level German literature and film courses.

Requirements for a Minor in German

Students are required to take eighteen hours of German, including nine upper-division hours.

It is highly recommended that students take one semester of Conversation and Composition (GERM 3301 or 3302), one semester of Introduction to German Literature and Culture (GERM 3411 or 3412), plus one additional 3000- or 4000 level course.

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