Courses and Syllabi for the German Program

GERM7000 German for Reading Knowledge Introduction to reading of German: Intensive drill in recognizing and interpreting grammatical structures, especially those peculiar to scholarly written language; emphasis on vocabulary building and on determining meaning of words not previously encountered; reading of texts in German at sight or after preparation. Does not fulfill any part of undergraduate language requirement. None
GERM1010 Elementary German I Basic skills fundamental to language proficiency and culture None
GERM1020 Elementary German II Further development of basic skills fundamental to language proficiency and culture GERM1010 or equivalent
GERM2010 Intermediate German I Continued development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. GERM1020 or equivalent
GERM2020 Intermediate German II Expansion of German skills, with more extensive listening comprehension practice and readings GERM2010 or equivalent
GERM3301  Conversation & Composition I   GERM2020 or equivalent
GERM3302  Conversation & Composition II   GERM2020 or equivalent
GERM3303 German Translation Combination of historical review of translation theories with translation practice; translation of German to English as well as English to German; how translations reflect changing literary and cultural values and tastes; examination how nuances of language and culture (source and target) influence the translator's choice of whom and what kind of text to translate. GERM2020 or permission of instructor
GERM3411 Introduction to German Literature and Culture German literature from 17th to 18th century. GERM2020 or equivalent
GERM3412 Introduction to German Literature and Culture II German literature from 19th to 21st century. GERM2020 or equivalent
GERM3791 Business German I German economy and society; German business terminology and forms of communication. GERM2020 or equivalent
GERM3792 Business German II German economy and global market. German business terminology and forms of communication. GERM2020 or equivalent
GERM3900 Germany Today Intensive language and culture course; travel to German speaking country required. Permission of Study Abroad Director
GERM4443 Major German Writers of the Twentieth Century Selected works of Hesse, Thomas Mann, Kafka, Frisch, Duerrenmatt, Brecht, and Boell. two courses from the group GERM3301, 3302, 3303, 3411, 3412, or permission of instructor
GERM4451 The German Drama Survey of dramatic literature from sixteenth to twentieth centuries; readings from Reformation, Baroque, Enlightenment, Sturm und Drang, Classicism, Romanticism, Realism, and modern period. two courses from the group GERM3301, 3302, 3303, 3411, 3412, or permission of instructor
GERM4465 German Narrative Prose Reading of major prose writings from Romanticism to present; emphasis on the Novelle. two courses from the group GERM3301, 3302, 3303, 3411, 3412, or permission of instructor
GERM4466 German Poetry Overview of German poetry since 1600; emphasis on sociohistorical aspects, formal and structural analysis of selected works. two courses from the group GERM3301, 3302, 3303,
3411, 3412, or permission of instructor
GERM4480 Goethe Special emphasis on early and late poetry, Die Leiden des jungen Werthers, and Faust, part I. two courses from the group GERM3301, 3302, 3303, 3411, 3412, or permission of instructor
GERM4501 Applied German Linguistics Application of modern linguistic theories to learning German. GERM3301, 3302, 3303, or permission of instructor
GERM4511 The German Language: Development and Structure German language in its various stages of development. GERM3301, 3302, 3303, or permission of instructor
GERM4780 Individual Studies in German Directed individual study in selected areas of German chosen in consultation with instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 hours credit by permission of chair. permission of instructor
GERM4791-99 Special Topics in German Language or Literature May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours credit. two courses from the group GERM3301, 3302, 3303, 3411, 3412, or permission of instructor

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