Undergraduate Program

The Major

A major in French consists of twenty-four hours (eight courses) at the upper-division level (3000 level or above). There are three possible concentrations:

1) concentration in French;
2) a two-language concentration, combining French with one other language taught in the department;*
3) a three-language concentration: French and two other languages taught in the department.*

After completion of the language requirement (FREN 2010 and 2020), students normally take FREN 3301 and 3302 (Conversation and Composition), as these courses are prerequisites for other upper-division courses. Students may take 3301 or 3302 and another upper-division course at the same time, if they have the permission of the instructor.

* Other languages available for the concentration taught at The University of Memphis: Chinese, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

The Minor

Students must take eighteen hours (FREN 1020, FREN 2010, FREN 2020 and nine upper-division hours). Students who place into FREN 2010 or higher may apply for credit by course placement for the lower numbered courses upon completion (with a minimum grade of “C”) of the course in which they have placed. After completion of FREN 2020, it is highly recommended that students take FREN 3301 or 3302 as this course is a prerequisite for other upper-division courses. Students may take FREN 3301 or 3302 and another upper-division course at the same time, with permission from the instructor. In addition to FREN 3301, the student must take two other upper-division courses. The choice of these courses should be made with the help of the undergraduate advisor for French.

More Information

For a full description of the program, please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog.

If you are interested in finding out more about the French program, please contact:

Dr. Melanie Conroy
Associate Professor of French
Jones Hall 255

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