Study Abroad Program

Study Abroad

There are numerous study abroad opportunities (summer, semester, academic year) available to students, including the official summer exchange program with the Université Catholique de Lille (France) as well as other study abroad opportunities in France and Canada. Excellent scholarship opportunities are available for qualified students.

You can find some more information on the University's study abroad website. The contact person in the French section is Dr. Denis Grélé, ddgrele@memphis.edu.

Assistantship in France

The French government offers assistantships in France, where qualified applicants teaching English in a French lycée for one year. To qualify for this program, the student must complete a degree in French before leaving for France. We usually receive information about this program late in the fall, and share with students as soon as we can.

If you are interested in finding out more about assistantships, please consult the information on the official website for the French Embassy's Cultural Services.

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